Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Fiona Mackenzie > Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn! > Teann A Nall

Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn! Teann A Nall
Credits: A. Macdonald
Appears On: Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn!
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Teann a nall 's thoir dhomh do làmh Come, let's wander hand in hand
Teann a nall 's thoir dhomh do làmh Come, let's wander hand in hand
Teann a nall 's thoir dhomh do làmh Come, let's wander hand in hand
Is bheir mi sgrìob do dh'Uidhist leat And take a trip to Uist with me
Tha'm feasgar ciùin 's na siantan blàth The evening's calm, the weather warm
Tha 'ghrian san iar mar mheall de'n òr The western sun is an orb of gold
Tha'n cuan mar sgàthan gorm gun sgleò The sea is a mirror, clear and blue
'S bu mhòr mo mhiann bhith'n dh'Uidhist leat I long to be in Uist with you
Tha sìth air aghaidh beinn is raon There's peace across the moors and glens
Tha fàileadh cùbhraidh thar am fhraoich And sweetly smell the heather bens
Tha neòinean bhòidheach fàs gach taobh Fair are the flowers, bright their hue
'S bu mhòr mo mhiann bhi'n Uidhist leat I long to be in Uist with you
Is dìomhain dhuinne bhith cho faoin How can we be such silly fools
A'siubhal saoghail ruith gach maoin To roam the world in search of fame?
Tha beatha 's slàint an tìr mo ghaoil There's health and wealth in the isle I love
'S gun tèid mi thàmh do dh'Uidhist leat And I shall stay in Uist with you