Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Tha m' inntinn trom fo luasgan |
I feel depressed and ill at ease |
'S mi gluasad as an àit' |
As I depart from the place |
'S an robh mi òg a' buachailleachd |
Where I was a herder when I was young |
Bho ghluaisinn na mo phàisd' |
Where I ran about as a child |
Air feadh nan gleann 's na mòintich |
Among the glens and moors |
'S am bheil na h-eòin len àl |
Inhabited by birds with their nestlings |
'S na srathan glasa bòidheach |
Among the beautiful green straths |
Far 'n goir an smeòrach tràth |
Where early sings the thrush |
'S e 'n diugh cur riut mo chùlaibh |
It is because I am turning my back |
A dh'fhàg fo dhriùchd mo ghruaidh |
On you today that my cheeks are wet |
Na deòir a' ruith fo m' shuilibh |
Tears run from my eyes |
'Nuair bheir mi sùil mun cuairt |
As I look around me |
'S chi mi far am b' àbhaist dhomh |
And see where the plowing |
Bhi 'g àiteach 'us a' buain |
And the harvesting took place |
An-diugh a bhith ga fhàgail |
And today I am leaving all this |
Gu dhol a thàmh thar chuain |
To live across the ocean |
Carson nach gabhainn còmhnaidh |
Why shouldn't I live |
Far na thogadh òg mi suas |
Where I was brought up |
Oir cha bhiodh dith mo lòin orm |
I would not lack sustenance |
An Leòdhas nam beann fuar? |
In Lewis of the cold hills |
Tha bradan agus fiadh ann |
Salmon and deer are to be found there |
Tha iasg gu pailt sa chuan |
As well as plenty of fish from the ocean |
'S tha 'm fearann beartach bòidheach |
And the land which produces |
A chinneas pòr le luach |
Abundant crops is rich and beautiful |
Ged is cruaidh an tràth seo |
Although I find it hard at this time |
Bhith fàgail tìr nam beann |
To be leaving the land of the hills |
Bidh sùil agam gach tràth ris |
I will always be hopeful |
Gu 'n tàr mi sgriob a-null |
Of making a return trip |
A dh'amharc air mo chàirdean |
To see my friends |
Tha tàmh a-measg nan gleann |
Who live in the glen |
'S an ribhinn òg, 's mo ghràdh-sa |
And to bring back the young maiden, my beloved one |
A thoirt thar sàile leam |
With me across the sea |
Tha 'n ùin' a-nis a dlùthachadh |
Departure time approaches |
'S na siùil air an cur suas |
And the sails are raised |
Airson ar cùrs a stiùireadh |
To steer our course |
An aghaidh smùid a' chuain |
Against the dashing of the ocean waves |
Sinn crathadh làmh gu brònach |
We shake hands sorrowfully |
'S na deòir a' ruith gu luath |
As the tears run copiously |
O soraidh slàn le Steòrnabhagh |
Oh farewell to Stornoway |
'S le Leòdhas nam beann fuar |
And to Lewis of the cold hills |