Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
A Dhìneag a bhronag |
Untidy Dineag |
Tha an dealbh thug thu dhòmhsa |
The picture you gave me |
A' coimhead cho neònach |
Looks so strange |
'S cho gòrach le cliabh |
And foolish with a creel |
'S tu tarraing na mònadh |
AS you gather your peats |
Le d' bheannaig 's le d' bhrògan |
With your tweed shawl, your shoes |
Le d' phòlca, le d' chòta |
Your little jacket, your coat |
'S le d' stoiceannan clòimh |
And your woolen stockings |
Bha an cliabh air do mhuineal |
The creel on your neck |
Cho corrach ri suidhe |
Was placed so awkwardly |
'S nach cumadh an ithris e |
That the rope strap |
Idir an àrd |
Would not keep it up at all |
Cha ghlèidheadh e mòran |
It would not hold |
De chor-fhadan còsach |
Very many spongy peats |
Oir thuiteadh an tòin às |
The bottom would fall out of it |
Le cuideam nam fàd |
Because of their weight |
Bha an cliabh air a chàradh |
The creel had been mended |
Le siaman ùr Thearlaich |
With Charlie's new twisted straw rope |
Chuir d' athair am màs ann |
Your father had put a bottom |
Le craicinn an laoigh |
Of calf skin on it |
Cha shuidheadh e còmhnard |
It would not sit level |
Air dronnag na h-òighe |
On a girl's cushion |
Bhitheadh asnaichean breoit' |
The rotten ribs |
Dol a sàs na do dhruim |
Were digging into your back |
Bha seòrsa de chòt' ort |
You were wearing a kind of coat |
Nach ruigeadh do bhrògan |
That didn't reach your shoes |
Is e lunsi na drògaid |
It was probably made |
'S dòcha bha ann |
Of linsay-woolsey drugget |
Bha an dronnag ort ceanngailt |
Your cushion was tied away |
A-null mu do mheadhon |
Around your middle |
'S tu cumail na h-ithris |
As you held the rope band |
Fo d' smiogid le d' laimh |
Under your chin with your hand |
Chaidh iomadh ni tharruing |
Many things were carried |
As a chliabh a bh' aig Dollag |
In Dollag's creel |
Eadar feur agus fodar |
Hay, fodder |
Is feamainn is ùir |
Seaweed and soil |
Agus todhar na h-òcrach |
And manure from the midden |
Aig àm cur an eòrna |
At barley sowing time |
Dh'fhàg sin an-diugh leòint' e |
All that has broken it |
Le asnaichean brùit |
And crushed its ribs |
Chan fhaod mi do mhàbadh |
I must not vilify you |
No idir fo chàineadh |
Nor miscall you |
Dibhearsain a tha mi |
I am joking |
Gu gàir thoirt air d' chridh' |
To cheer your heart |
Oir is mi brathair do mhathair |
Because I am your mother's brother |
'S tlachdmhor leam tha thu |
And I am very fond of you |
Bidh mise gach là |
I will always |
Dha do thàrladh nam chridh' |
Keep you close to my heart |
Bidh mise gach là |
I will always |
Dha do thàrladh nam chridh' |
Keep you close to my heart |