Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
O, 's tu, gura tu mo ribhinn |
Oh you are my sweetheart |
O, 's tu, gura tu mo ribhinn |
Oh you are my sweetheart |
Is tu mo ghràdh, ged nach dàn leam innse |
You are my love, though I cannot disclose it |
'S gu sgar am bàs mi 's tu 's àille chi mi |
And 'til death overtakes me, you're the most beautiful I see |
Tha mise màireach, a ghràidh, a' seòladh |
Tomorrow, my love, I set sail |
Gun fhios an till mi an tìm na chòmhdail |
Not knowing whether I'll return in time to meet up with you |
Ach mas e cuan a nì, luaidh, mo chòmhdach |
But if it should be that the sea will take me |
Mo bheannachd buan leat gach uair as beò thu |
My eternal blessing to you as long as you live |
Nuair thig an oidhche chan aoibhneas dhòmhs' i |
When night comes, it brings me no joy |
Le gealach choibhneil gu soillseach bòidheach |
With the kindly moon brightly shining down |
A' cur nam chuimhne gach oidhch' le sòlas |
Making me think of all the happy nights |
A bha min coibhneas na maighdinn bhòidhich |
I spent in the company of the fair maid |
Tha nise 'n oidhche le sgoinn a' ciaradh |
The night is now drawing in as twilight comes |
Tha gaoth bhon tuath 's i gu luath a' biathadh |
The wind is from the north and fast freshening |
Fearann Eirinn nar deidh a' sìoladh |
Ireland's Coast is disappearing from view |
'S mise stiùreadh air cùrs an iar-dheas |
While at the wheel I steer a southwesterly course |
Ach tillidh samhradh aig àm gach bliadhna |
But summer will return at the right time every year |
'S thèid an geamhradh le ghreann air diochuimhn' |
And winter's harshness will be forgotten |
Tillidh tràghadh 's cho àrd gu lìon i |
The tide will ebb no matter how high the flow |
Ach gaol far 'm fàs e, 's e bàs as crioch dha |
But where love blossoms, only death can extinguish it |
'S truagh a Rìgh nach robh mi 's mo mhàldag |
I wish, Lord, that my love and I |
'S a' ghleann mu thuath far an d' fhuair mi m' àrach |
Were in the northern glen where I grew up |
Na h-eòin le aoibhneas a' seinn an dàn dhuinn |
The birds joyfully singing their songs to us |
'S crònan binn a' Chuan Sgith gar tàladh |
And the melodious murmur of the Minch caressing us |
Ach 's e mo dhùrachd, is giulain dhòmhs' i |
But this is my wish, and convey it for me |
Gu reul mo shùgraidh tha 'n dùthaich m' òige |
To the finest girl I ever courted who lives in the island of my youth |
Sonas bhuan dhut, 's gu fuathaich bròn thu |
May you always be happy, never affected by sorrow |
'S do rogha cèile le clèir gum pòs thu |
And may you be married by the clergy to the best husband you can choose |
O, 's tu, gura tu mo ribhinn |
Oh you are my sweetheart |
O, 's tu, gura tu mo ribhinn |
Oh you are my sweetheart |
Is tu mo ghràdh, ged nach dàn leam innse |
You are my love, though I cannot disclose it |
'S gu sgar am bàs mi 's tu 's àille chi mi |
And 'til death overtakes me, you're the most beautiful I see |