Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Le mo chearcall 's mo chuman |
With my hoop and my bucket |
Thug mi 'n turus bu dìomhain |
I made a most futile visit |
Dhan tobair 'n-diugh moch-thrath |
To the well early this morning |
'S neach eil' air a dèabhadh |
Which someone else had already drained |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Tobair, tobair, sìolaidh |
Well, well, settle |
Tobair, tobair, sìolaidh |
Well, well, settle |
Tha nighean an rìgh ag iarraidh deoch |
The king's daughter needs a drink |
Deoch rìoghail dhi na h-ìotadh |
A regal drink to quench her thirst |
'S na èireadh sàl o d' ìochdar |
And may brine never come from your depths |
B' e seo a' bhun-obair |
What work this is |
Feitheamh tobair gun drùgh innt |
Waiting by a well which contains nothing |
'S mo bhuntàta gun phriogadh |
Meantime, my potatoes are not pricked |
'S mo mhòine gun rùghadh |
Nor is my peat lifted |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Thig a dhìle bho mhaduinn |
Flood may come in the morning |
Thig a dhìle bho oidhche |
Flood may come in the evening |
Cuir le fìor-uisg air flod i |
Make it float with fresh spring water |
Mo thobair, 's thoir dhuinn uisg' |
My well, and give us water |
Tha mo shnìomh agus m' fhighe |
My spinning, my weaving |
Tha mo nighe gun dèanamh |
And my washing are not yet done |
'S mi an seo na mo shuidhe |
And yet I continue to sit here |
Nuair dh'fhaodainn bhith gnìomhach |
When I could be busy working |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Tha mo chrodh gun am bleoghan |
My cows are not milked |
'S cha togte mo mhìosan |
And my milk basins are not lifted |
Agus m' uachdar 's a' mhuighe |
My cream is in the churn |
'S mo ghruitheam gun dèanamh |
And my crowdie is not made |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Tha na fir am Beinn Chailean |
The men are on Beinn Chailean |
A' bearradh nan caorach |
Shearing the sheep |
'S agam-sa 'n-diugh fhathast |
And I still have to go |
Dhol dhan an tràigh mhaorach |
To the shore for shellfish today |
Dh'fhàg mi bhò anns na claisean |
I left the cow at the ditches |
'S goididh fochunn air fath i |
Where she will steal the new growth of young corn |
Dh'fhàg mi cas-ghoil a' phrais air |
I left the pot boiling hard |
'S mòr m' eagal gun tràigh i |
I greatly fear that it will boil dry |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Dh'fhàg mo chagaran lurach |
I left my beautiful baby |
'S chreathaill na shuain mi |
Sound asleep in his cradle |
Chan urrainn mi fuireach |
I cannot wait any longer for you |
Nas fhaide riut, fhuarain |
Spring of fresh water |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |