Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Cha b'e dìreadh a' bhruthaich |
It was not climbing the hillside |
Dh'fhàg mo shiubhal gun treòir |
That left my walk without strength |
Na teas ri là gréineadh |
Not the heat of the day |
Nuair a dh'éireadh i oirnn |
When the sun rises high |
Na teas ri là gréineadh |
Not the heat of the day |
Nuair a dh'éireadh i oirnn |
When the sun rises high |
Gu bheil moill' air mo léirsinn |
There is a dimness in my vision |
'S cha léir dhomh ceum ròid |
I cannot make out what is closer to me |
Gu bheil moill' air mo léirsinn |
There is a dimness in my vision |
'S cha léir dhomh ceum ròid |
I cannot make out |
Cha léir dhomh ni 's fhaisge |
What is closer to me |
Fiù a' bhata 'nam dhorn |
Not even the staff in my fist |
Cha léir dhomh ni 's fhaisge |
What is closer to me |
Fiù a' bhata 'nam dhorn |
Not even the staff in my fist |
'S mi 'sa ghleannan bheag phreasach |
And I in a little glen of copses |
'S mo lethcheann air lón |
My cheek on the sward |
'S mi 'sa ghleannan bheag phreasach |
And I in a little glen of copses |
'S mo lethcheann air lón |
My cheek on the sward |
Treis air smeuran nan drùisean |
A while picking berries from the bramble |
Greis air bristeadh nan cnò |
A while cracking hazel nuts |
Treis air smeuran nan drùisean |
A while picking berries from the bramble |
Greis air bristeadh nan cnò |
A while cracking hazel nuts |
'Se mo dhubhailt mo bhreacan |
My plaid is my towel |
'Se mo chopan mo bhròg |
My shoe is my cup |
'Se mo dhubhailt mo bhreacan |
My plaid is my towel |
'Se mo chopan mo bhròg |
My shoe is my cup |
'Se mo thaigh mór gach glacan |
A hollow is my mansion |
'Se mo leabaidh gach fròig |
Any dark nook my bed |
'Se mo thaigh mór gach glacan |
A hollow is my mansion |
'Se mo leabaidh gach fròig |
Any dark nook my bed |
'S ged a dh'fhadainn-sa teine |
And if I kindle a fire |
Chì fear foille dheth ceò |
An informer will see its smoke |
'S ged a dh'fhadainn-sa teine |
And if I kindle a fire |
Chì fear foille dheth ceò |
An informer will see its smoke |
'S ged a cheannaichinn-sa buideal |
If I buy a keg |
Chan fhaigh mi cuideachd g'a òl |
I cannot get company to drink |
'S ged a cheannaichinn-sa buideal |
If I buy a keg |
Chan fhaigh mi cuideachd g'a òl |
I cannot get company to drink |
'Si do nighean-sa, Dhonnchaidh |
It is your daughter, Duncan |
Dha'n tug mi'n tromghaol, 's mi òg |
Who put this burden of love on me in my youth |
'Si do nighean-sa, Dhonnchaidh |
It is your daughter, Duncan |
Dha'n tug mi'n tromghaol, 's mi òg |
Who put this burden of love on me in my youth |
Té dha bheil an cùl dualach |
A girl whose hair is in ringlets |
O guaillean gu bròig |
From shoulder to shoe |
Té dha bheil an cùl dualach |
A girl whose hair is in ringlets |
O guaillean gu bròig |
From shoulder to shoe |
'Se sios ma da shlinnein |
Descending between her shoulder blades |
A's an ionad as boidhch' |
The fairest part |
'Se sios ma da shlinnein |
Descending between her shoulder blades |
A's an ionad as boidhch' |
The fairest part |
'S mór gu'm b'fheàrr dhut mi agad |
You would be far better off with me |
Na aon mhac breabadair beò |
Than with any weaver's son alive |
'S mór gu'm b'fheàrr dhut mi agad |
You would be far better off with me |
Na aon mhac breabadair beò |
Than with any weaver's son alive |
Ged nach deanainn dhut fighe |
Though I could not make cloth for you |
Bhiodh iasg is sitheann mu'd bhòrd |
You would have venison and salmon on your board |
Ged nach deanainn dhut fighe |
Though I could not make cloth for you |
Bhiodh iasg is sitheann mu'd bhòrd |
You would have venison and salmon on your board |
'S truagh nach robh mi 's tu, ghaolaich |
Alas that you and I are not |
Anns an aonaich 'm bi 'n ceò |
Out in the misty moorlands |
'S truagh nach robh mi 's tu, ghaolaich |
Alas that you and I are not |
Anns an aonaich 'm bi 'n ceò |
Out in the misty moorlands |
Ann am bùthaig bhig bharraich |
In a little hut of birch-twigs |
'Gun bhith mar rium ach d'fheòil |
And no company but your own body |
Ann am bùthaig bhig bharraich |
In a little hut of birch-twigs |
'Gun bhith mar rium ach d'fheòil |
And no company but your own body |
'S mi gu snàmhadh an caolas |
How I would swim the narrows |
Airson fàilteachd do bheòil |
For the sake of the welcome of you lips |