Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Thig trì nithean gun iarraidh |
Three things come without asking |
An t-eagal, an t-eudach, 's an gaol |
Fear, jealousy and love |
'S gur beag a' chùis mhasluidh |
And it is no cause of shame |
Ged ghlacadh leo mis' air a h-aon |
Though I too have been taken by them |
'S a liuthad bean uasal |
Seeing how many ladies |
A fhuaradh 'sa chiont an robh mi |
Have been found guilty like me |
A thug a gaol fuadain |
Who gave love that proved vain |
Air ro bheagan duaise 'ga cheann |
And little profit to them in the end |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Air faillirinn, illirinn |
Air faillirinn, illirinn |
Uillirinn ho ro 's mi caoidh |
Uillirinn ho ro I mourn |
'S cruaidh fhortan gun fhios |
It was a cruel fate that came unaware |
A chur mise fo chuing do ghaoil |
And left me under the yoke of your love |
Fhir a dhìreas am bealach |
You climb the hill pass |
Beir soiridh don ghleannan fo thuath |
Bear this greeting to the little glen in the north |
Is innis do m'leannan |
And tell my lover |
Gur maireann mo ghaol 's gur buan |
That my love remains and will endure |
Fear eile cha ghabh mi |
I will take no other man |
'S chan fhuiling mi idir a luaidh |
I cannot bear to have it spoken of |
Gus an dean thu, ghaoil, m'àicheadh |
And until you deny me, my love |
Cha chreid mi o chàch gur fuath |
I will not believe from anyone else that you are hostile |
Nam faicinn thu tighinn |
If I saw you coming |
Is fios dhomh gur tusa bhiodh ann |
And know it was indeed you |
Gun éireadh mo chridhe |
My heart would rise up |
Mar aiteal na gréin' thar nam beann |
Like a flash of the sun across the mountains |
'S gun tugainn mo bhriathar |
__ |
Gach gaoisde tha liath na mo cheann |
Every gray hair in my head |
Gum fàsadh iad buidhe |
I swear would become yellow |
Mar dhithein am bruthach nan allt |
Like the flower on the bank of the stream |
Mur tig thu fhéin tuilleadh |
But if you never com |
Gur aithne dhomh mhalairt a th'ann |
Well do I know what bargain has been made |
Nach eil mi cho beartach |
It is because I am not as wealthy |
Ri cailin an achaidh ud thall |
As the lass with those pastures there |
Cha tugainn mo mhisneach |
Yet I would not give my courage |
Mo ghliocas, 'is grinneas mo làimh |
And my good sense and the skill of my hands |
Air buaile crodh ballach |
For any fold of dappled cattle |
'Is cailin gun iùil 'na ceann |
And an improvident girl to manage them |