Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mac-talla > ...Mairidh Gaol Is Ceol > Togail Curs Air Leodhas

...Mairidh Gaol Is Ceol Togail Curs Air Leodhas
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Mac-talla
Appears On: ...Mairidh Gaol Is Ceol
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Tugainn leamsa 's dean cabhaig Come with me and hurry
'S theid sinn thairis a null And we'll go across
Dh'eilean uasal na Gaidhlig To the noble island of Gaelic
Rinn ar n-arach 'nar cloinn That nursed us as babes
Tir nan treun-fhear is calma The land of boldest heroes
Choisinn ainm a measg Ghall Among strangers who won fame
'S theid sinn comhla a leannainn We'll go together, my darling
Thir an rainich a null To yon land of bracken
Ni sinn gluasad gu dana We'll brook no delay
Suas na braighean 's na caoil Travelling high lands and firths
Gheibh sinn aiseag gu sabhailt We'll easily get a ferry
Null gu aite mo ghaoil Across to the land I love
'S nuair a bhuaileas i'm bagh ann And when she touches the bay there
Cluinn' tu 'Ghaidhlig gach taobh You'll hear Gaelic all around
'S gheibh sinn aoigh agus failte We'll find hospitality and welcome
'N eilean baigheil an fhraoich In the kindly, heathery isle
Chi thu muir, chi thu mointeach You'll see sea, you'll see the moorland
Chi thu moine mu'n cuairt You'll see peat-banks all around
Chi thu cnuic ghlas is leoidean You'll see verdant hills and slopes
Air am b'eolach sinn uair That we once knew so well
Chi thu machraichean comhnard You'll see level, sandy plains
'S tha gu leor dhiubh air tuath There are plenty on the north side
Ann an Nis, ait' 's boidheach In Ness, a lovely spot
Thogadh og ann mi suas Where as a boy I was raised
Chi thu Tiumpan tha aosmhor You'll see the lighthouse so ancient
Air aidann nan stuagh Facing the huge waves
'S tric tha sholus toirt saorsainn Often does its light give deliverance
Do na laoich th'air a chuan To the brave lads at sea
'S iomadh bat' th'air a sgiursadh Many a boat
'S i gun churs ri droch uair Doomed to founder
Rinn an soills' ud a stiuireadh But its light safely steered them
Steach an cuiltean Loch-a-Tuath To the Loch a Tuath's sheltered nooks
Chi thu iasgairean turail You'll see skilled fisherman
'S fhearr air stiuireadh cur lion None better with tiller or net
Mach a cladach Phort-nan-Giuran Out from Port nan Giuran shore
B'e sud cliu bh'ac a riamh For which they've long had renown
Sud am baile rinn d'arach There's the place you were raised
'S fhuair thu gradh ann is dion In where you found shelter and love
'S chi thu 'n dachaidh a dh'fhag thu You'll see the home that you left
Mar a bha i bho chian As it was long ago
'S nis nach aontaich thu, rùin, leam Now agree with me, love
'S dèan co-dhùnadh air ball And make an end straight away
Leig do shoraidh gun smuairean Make your good-byes, with no regrets
Le dùthaich nan Gall To the foreigners' land
Dol gu fearann ar sinnsir To go to the land of our ancestors
Bha cho strìtheil na cheann Who strived so ardently on its behalf
'S nì sinn tàmhachd san tìr sin And we'll stay in that country
Gus an sìnear sinn ann As long as we live