Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
'Se do bheatha, Mhoire Mhaighdeann |
Hail to thee, Virgin Mary |
O 's gille do Mhac na a' ghrian |
For thy son is brighter than the sun |
Rugadh am Mac an aois Athar |
The Son was born when His Father was aged |
Oighre Fhlathanais g'ar dion |
An Heir of Heaven to protect us |
'S iosal an ceum thug ar Slànuighear |
Our Savior took a lowly step |
A nuas o Phàrras gu talamh |
Down from Paradise to earth |
'Nuair a rugadh E 's an stàbull |
When He was born in a stable |
Gun tuilleadh aite dha falamh |
Nowhere else being vacant for Him |
Cha d'iarr ban-righinn na h-ùmhlachd |
The Queen of Humility asked for no |
Fuirneiseachadh, rùm na seòmar |
Furniture, parlor or room |
Cha mhò dh'iarr i mnathan glùine |
Neither did she ask for midwives |
Ach Righ nan Dùl bhith 'ga còmhnadh |
But only the King of the elements to help her |
'S èibhinn an sealladh a fhuair i |
Wonderful was the sight she saw |
'Nuair thàinig E nuas a colainn |
When He came down from her body |
Rothall i'n anartaibh bàna |
She wrapped in white clothes |
An Slànuighear thàinig g'ar ceannach |
The Savior who had come to redeem us |
Cha d'iarr Macan na h-uaisle |
The child of nobility asked for no |
Cuision na cluasag na leabaidh |
Cushion, pillow or bed |
Gus an d'èirich leis a'mhàthair |
'Til His mother managed |
'Ga chur 's a' mhainnseir 'na chadal |
To put him to sleep in the manger |
Chruinnich na buachaillean bochda |
The poor herdsmen assembled |
Ghabhail beachd air anns an tìm sin |
To see Him at that time |
Chur misneach an lag 's an làidir |
To encourage the weak and the strong |
Bhith cho dàna air an Righ sin |
To make equally bold with that King |
Shoillsich rionnag anns an athar |
A star shone in the sky |
Rinn rathad dha na tri rìghrean |
Making a path for the three kings |
Thàinig 'ga ionnsuidh le h-àbhachd |
Who came to Him with joy |
Gaol is gràdh is fàilte is fìrinn |
Love and affection, welcome and truth |
Aig fheabhas rinn thu a ghlàidheadh |
Because thou didst maintain Him so well |
Dol leis a latha 's a dh'oidhche |
Going with Him by day and by night |
Aig fheabhas rinn thu air feitheamh |
Because thou didst attend Him so well |
'Se do bheatha Mhoire Mhaighdeann |
Hail to thee, Virgin Mary |