Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Thug mi gaol, thug mi gaol |
I gave love, I gave love |
Thug mi gaol don fhear bhàn |
I gave love to the fair-haired one |
Agus gealladh dhutsa, luaidh |
And I gave you my promise, dear |
O cha dual dhomh bhith slàn |
Oh it is my fate to be desolate |
Chaidh am bàta troimh na caoil |
The boat went through the strait |
Leis na daoine Dimàirt |
With the people on Tuesday |
'S mise phaigh am faradh daor |
It was I that paid the dear fare |
Bha mo ghaol air a clàr |
My love was on her deck |
Chunnacas long air a' chuan |
A ship was seen on the ocean |
'S i cur suas na seòl àrd |
Hoisting her high sails |
'Nuair a dhiùlt i dhol mun cuairt |
When she refused to turn around |
Bha mo luaidh-s' air an t-snàmh |
My love was made to swim |
Bha mi bruadar an raoir |
I was dreaming last night |
Bha mi caoimhneas mo ghràidh |
I was in the kind company of my love |
'S nuair a dhùisg mi as mo shuain |
When I awoke from my sleep |
Bha mi fuar falamh fàs |
I was cold, empty and desolate |
Bha mi deas is bha mi tuath |
I was south and I was north |
Bha min Cluaidh uair no dhà |
I was near the Clyde once or twice |
Dhe na chunna mi fon ghrèin |
After all that I have seen under the sun |
Thug mi spèis don fhear bhàn |
I gave my admiration to the fair one |
Cha tèid mise 'thigh a' chiùil |
I will never go to the house of music |
Thuit mo shùgradh gu làr |
My joy has deserted me |
Bhon a chualas thusa rùin |
Since it was heard that you, my love |
'Bhith 's a' ghrùnnd far nach tràigh |
Are on the bed of the bottomless sea |