Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Maggie MacInnes > Spiorad Beatha > Two Waulking Songs

Spiorad Beatha Two Waulking Songs
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Maggie MacInnes & Graeme Hughes
Appears On: Spiorad Beatha; Scotland The Real (compilation)
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus:
E ho libh o ho ro gheallaidh E ho libh o ho ro gheallaidh
E ho libh o ho hoireano E ho libh o ho hoireano
E ho libh o ho ro gheallaidh E ho libh o ho ro gheallaidh
Tha mulad, tha fadachd, tha cnàmh orm I'm sad and worn, full of longing
Cha mhire tha 'n drasd air m'aire No fun on my mind now
(Sèist) (Chorus)
'S tric a rinn mi' n cadal sàmhach Often I slept peacefully with you
Leat am bàthach a' chruidh-bhainne In the milking byre
(Sèist) (Chorus)
'S tric a rinn mi 'n cadal diomhair Often I slept gently, with the
Le òigear nam mìogshul meallach Young man of the laughing eyes
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Ciamar a nì mi dhuit an t-òran How can I write a song for you, when
'S gun mi eòlach mu d'dhà sheanar? I didn't know your two grandfathers?
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Ciamar a nì mi dhuit an t-aodach How can I write a song for you
'S gun do chaoraich air na beannan? When your sheep are not in the hills?
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Hu ri bho ho, chuala mi'n dè Hu ri bho ho, yesterday I heard
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, chuala mi'n dè Faile lio ho, yesterday I heard
Hu ri bho ho, sgeul nach b'ait leam Hu ri bho ho, news that did not please me
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, sgeul nach b'ait leam Faile lio ho, news that did not please me
Hu ri bho ho, m'òg leannan donn Hu ri bho ho, my young brown-haired love
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, m'òg leannan donn Faile lio ho, my young brown-haired love
Hu ri bho ho, dol a phòsadh Hu ri bho ho, is going to be married
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, dol a phòsadh Faile lio ho, is going to be married
Hu ri bho ho, nighean òg an rìgh Hu ri bho ho, to the king's young daughter
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, nighean òg an rìgh Faile lio ho, to the king's young daughter
Hu ri bho ho, nuair a thèid thu mach Hu ri bho ho, when you will go out
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, nuair a thèid thu mach Faile lio ho, when you will go out
Hu ri bho ho, seinnear pìob leat Hu ri bho ho, pipes will be played for you
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, seinnear pìob leat Faile lio ho, pipes will be played for you
Hu ri bho ho, nuair a thig thu steach Hu ri bho ho, when you come inside
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, nuair a thig thu steach Faile lio ho, when you come inside
Hu ri bho ho, seinnear clàrsach Hu ri bho ho, harp will be played for you
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho, seinnear clàrsach Faile lio ho, harp will be played for you
Hu ri bho ho, nan teud bìnn leat Hu ri bho ho, harp of the sweet strings
Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho Faile lio ho, ro ho rean o ho
Faile lio ho Faile lio ho