Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
O nach robh mi thall |
Oh that I were |
'S a' ghleann a' fuireach |
Living in the glen |
O nach robh mi thall |
Oh that I were |
An Glean Baile Chaoil |
Over in Gleann Baile Chaoil |
Nan robh mise thall |
If I were living |
'S a' ghleann a' fuireach |
Over in the glen |
Chan fhàgainn e tuilleadh |
I would never leave it again |
Glean lurach mo ghaoil |
My beautiful, beloved glen |
Nuair dh' éireas a' ghrian |
When the sun rises on it |
Air bu chiatach bhith ann |
Delightful it is to be there |
'Si cho fial flathail coibh-neil |
And the sun, so liberally |
A' boillsgeadh air chrann |
Gracefully and warmly shining on the trees |
I dùsgadh nan lòn-dubh |
Awakening the blackbirds |
'S nan smeòrach air ghéig |
And thrushes on branches |
Chur fàilte l'en ceòl |
To proclaim with their music |
Air a mórachd 'san speur |
Its majesty in the heavens |
'S a' mhadainn 'n uair dh' eirinn |
In the morning when I'd arise |
Gun eislean gun ghruaim |
Without worry or discontent |
'S e thug solas do m'inntinn |
What brought happiness to my mind |
Bhith sealltainn riut suas |
Was to look up towards you |
Chaneil glean eil' air Gaidhealtachd |
There is no other glen in the Highlands |
Bheir barr ort an snuadh |
To match you in appearance |
Gur mis ha fo chradh-lot |
It is I who is dejected |
Bhith 'n drasd cho fad uait |
Presently being so far from you |