Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Karen Matheson > Downriver > O Nach Eisdeadh

Downriver O Nach Eisdeadh
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Donald Shaw, Karen Matheson & Donal Lunny
Appears On: Downriver
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
O nach éisdeadh tu 'n sgeul le aire Oh that you would listen to the tale attentively
Dh'innse 'n éifeachd tha'n réit' na fala To tell of the efficacy that is in atonement by blood
O nach éisdeadh tu 'n sgeul le aire Oh that you would listen to the tale attentively
Chuirinn impidh ort thu ghrad philltinn I implore you to turn back quickly
M'am bi thu millt, o gabh suim dha d'anam Before you're destroyed, oh take care for your soul
Sluagh gun chùram, tha'n dorus dùint' orr' Careless people, the door is closed on them
'S tha claidheamh rùisgt' air a chùl dha'm faire And there is a naked sword behind it to watch them
Sluagh gun àireamh 'nan seasamh làmh ris People without number, standing near him
Ach 's daor a thàinig thu ghràidh dha'n ceannach But it was at great cost that you came, love, to redeem them
Ni Nicodemus is a chéile Nicodemus, and his partner
'S Manasseh féin fuil na réit a ghlanadh And Manasseh himself can be washed in the blood of atonement
Faic an t-óigear rinn 'fhuil a dhòrtadh See the young man who split his blood
Do pheacaich mhór thainig beò tre 'ghlanadh For great sinners who came alive though his cleansing
Cluinn thu tàirneanach beinn Shinài Hear the thundering of Mount Sinai
Tha bagraidh bàis 'g iarraidh làn de pheanas Death threatens, asking for full penance
Ma tha thu ad'bhantraich, 's e féin is ceann ort If you are widowed, he is at your head
Cur séile teann ann am bonn a gheallaidh Putting a firm seal on the trueness of his promise