Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Dh' aidh cèo nan stùc mu aodann chuilinn |
The mist of the stacks is about the face of the Cuillinn |
'Us sheinn a' bheinn-shith a torman mulaid |
And the fairy woman has sung her sad song |
Gorm shuilean ciuin san Dun a' sileadh |
Gentle blues eyes in the fort are crying |
O'n thriall thu bhuainn 's nach till thu tuille |
Since you left, and will never return |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Cha till, cha till, cha till Maccrimman |
He will never return MacCrioman |
An cogadh no sìth cha till e tuille |
In war-time or peace he will never return |
Le airgiod no ni cha till Maccrimmain |
With neither money nor possessions he will return |
Cha till e gu bràth gu la na cruinne |
He will never return 'til judgement day |
Tha'n fhairge fa-dhèoigh làn broin us mulaid |
The sea is full of sadness and sadness |
Tha'm bàta fo sheól, ach dhiult i siubhal |
The boat is under sail but refused to me |
Tha gairich nan tonn le fuaim neo-shubhach |
The noise of the waves, have an unhappy sound |
Ag ràbh gun d'fhalbh 'snach till thu tuille |
Saying you have one and will never return |
Cha chluinnear do cheòl san Dun mu fheasgar |
Your music will not be heard in Dunvegan in the evening |
'Smac-talla nam mùr le muirn ga fhreagairt |
And the echo of the ramparts mourning in answer |
Gach fleasgach us òigh, gun cheol gun bheadrach |
Each handsome man and maiden without music or merriment |
O'n thriall thu bhuainn, 'snach till thu tuille |
Since you left us and never will return |