Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Ni mi'm breacan uallach, a-dhiu-bhì |
I will take the heavy plaid |
A' chuir air mo ghualainn, hò-rò-am-bò |
And put it over my shoulder |
A' dhìreadh ris na cruachan, a-dhiu-bhì |
I will climb the peaks |
A' shealltainn air a' ghruagaich mu bheil an fhodhail |
To visit the maiden that all the excitement is about |
Is éibhinn leam an nì mi mar a chì mi nis e |
It makes me smile now |
Mar tha nighean Sìne an an Lag a' Mhilidh |
To think of Sine's daughter in Lag a' Mhilidh |
O'n a fhuair i'n dìleab tha móran mios oirr' |
And how, since receiving that legacy |
Tha gach fear an geall oirre anns a' mhionaid |
Every man wants to promise himself to her |
Chan eil fear 'san àite nach bi 'ga tathaich |
There isn't a male in the place who doesn't visit her |
'S òrdan aig mo 'mhàthair a bhi 'ga leantainn |
With clear instructions from their mothers to pursue her |
Uilleam aig Caitrìon' agus Peadar Fleming |
William, son of Catriona, and Peter Fleming |
'S Eachunn againn-fhìn bidh e dol 'n rathad |
And our own Hector follows the same path |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Na cailleachan air chéilidh 's a taobh an teallaich |
The old women, ceilidh-ing by the hearths |
Togaidh iad beusan gu ruig a' ghealaich |
Praise her qualities all the way to the moon |
Leis na fhuair i 'sheudan nuair dh'fhalbh a seanair |
With the store of jewels she got when her grandfather passed on |
"Is i cho math gu fuaitheal, 's i fuathasach banail" |
"She's such an exquisite seamstress, and so terribly comely" |
Tha seachd-bliadn' deug is còrr bho'n bha i 'fichead |
More than seventeen years have elapsed since she was twenty |
'S cha robh fear an tòir oirre' chunnaic mise |
And never did I see anyone fancy her |
Gus an d'fhuair i 'n tòrr a bh' aig Fear na Sgriodhaig |
Until she acquired the loot of Fear na Sgriodhaig |
Noigeannan de'n òr a bh' aig anns a' chiste |
With nuggets of gold inside a trunk |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Am press a bh'anns an t-seòmar gur lìonmhor 'ulaidh |
The press in the room bulged with treasures |
Cuimhneachain bh'aig Domhnall air iomadh curaidh |
And souvenirs of many heroes, that Domhnall had |
Sporan agus cùnndadh a bh'aig Rìgh Uilleam |
A purse with some coins that King William had |
'S botul 'san robh ùngadh o'n Ollamh Mhuileach |
And a bottle of the learned Muileach's medicine |
Sgian-dubh agus tuagh bh'aig Rob Ruadh MacGreogair |
A sgian-dubh and an axe that Rob Roy had |
Claidheamh a bh' aig Diarmad 's gu'n robh e biorach |
Diarman's sword, how sharp it was |
Clogad a bh'aig Fionn aic' ann agus biodag |
A helmet of Fionn's, along with a dagger |
Agus currachd-oidhche bh'aig Calum Cille |
And a night-cap that belonged to St. Columba |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |