Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Anna Murray > Out Of The Blue > Am Breacan Uallach

Out Of The Blue Am Breacan Uallach
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Anna Mhoireach
Appears On: Out Of The Blue
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus:
Ni mi'm breacan uallach, a-dhiu-bhì I will take the heavy plaid
A' chuir air mo ghualainn, hò-rò-am-bò And put it over my shoulder
A' dhìreadh ris na cruachan, a-dhiu-bhì I will climb the peaks
A' shealltainn air a' ghruagaich mu bheil an fhodhail To visit the maiden that all the excitement is about
Is éibhinn leam an nì mi mar a chì mi nis e It makes me smile now
Mar tha nighean Sìne an an Lag a' Mhilidh To think of Sine's daughter in Lag a' Mhilidh
O'n a fhuair i'n dìleab tha móran mios oirr' And how, since receiving that legacy
Tha gach fear an geall oirre anns a' mhionaid Every man wants to promise himself to her
Chan eil fear 'san àite nach bi 'ga tathaich There isn't a male in the place who doesn't visit her
'S òrdan aig mo 'mhàthair a bhi 'ga leantainn With clear instructions from their mothers to pursue her
Uilleam aig Caitrìon' agus Peadar Fleming William, son of Catriona, and Peter Fleming
'S Eachunn againn-fhìn bidh e dol 'n rathad And our own Hector follows the same path
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Na cailleachan air chéilidh 's a taobh an teallaich The old women, ceilidh-ing by the hearths
Togaidh iad beusan gu ruig a' ghealaich Praise her qualities all the way to the moon
Leis na fhuair i 'sheudan nuair dh'fhalbh a seanair With the store of jewels she got when her grandfather passed on
"Is i cho math gu fuaitheal, 's i fuathasach banail" "She's such an exquisite seamstress, and so terribly comely"
Tha seachd-bliadn' deug is còrr bho'n bha i 'fichead More than seventeen years have elapsed since she was twenty
'S cha robh fear an tòir oirre' chunnaic mise And never did I see anyone fancy her
Gus an d'fhuair i 'n tòrr a bh' aig Fear na Sgriodhaig Until she acquired the loot of Fear na Sgriodhaig
Noigeannan de'n òr a bh' aig anns a' chiste With nuggets of gold inside a trunk
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Am press a bh'anns an t-seòmar gur lìonmhor 'ulaidh The press in the room bulged with treasures
Cuimhneachain bh'aig Domhnall air iomadh curaidh And souvenirs of many heroes, that Domhnall had
Sporan agus cùnndadh a bh'aig Rìgh Uilleam A purse with some coins that King William had
'S botul 'san robh ùngadh o'n Ollamh Mhuileach And a bottle of the learned Muileach's medicine
Sgian-dubh agus tuagh bh'aig Rob Ruadh MacGreogair A sgian-dubh and an axe that Rob Roy had
Claidheamh a bh' aig Diarmad 's gu'n robh e biorach Diarman's sword, how sharp it was
Clogad a bh'aig Fionn aic' ann agus biodag A helmet of Fionn's, along with a dagger
Agus currachd-oidhche bh'aig Calum Cille And a night-cap that belonged to St. Columba
(Sèist) (Chorus)