Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
An dèidh's mo mhealladh rinn thu mo chràdh |
After deceiving me, you cause me pain |
An dèidh's mo mhealladh rinn thu mo chàradh |
After deceiving me, you cheated me |
'S ann ga do mholadh bhios mi gu bràth |
And still I will always praise you |
Och gur mise tha gu tùrsach |
Oh it is I who am sad |
'S ann aig a' mheud 's a thug mi de rùn dhuit |
Because of all the love I gave you |
'S mura h-abaich thu ri d' mhùirseadh |
If your harsh treatment of me does not ease |
'S ann anns an ùir a bhios mise tàmh |
I will rest in the grave |
Tha mi 'n dòchas nach soirbhich Dia leat |
I hope that God does not reward you |
A liuthad oidhche a thubairt thu rium na breugan |
For all the nights you told me lies |
'S iomadh oidhche, ged bhitheadh an sian ann |
Many nights, though the storm might rage |
A laigh thu sìos ri mo chliathaich bhlàth |
You lay down by my warm side |
Thig a-nis agus dùin mo shùilean |
Come now, and close my eyes |
'S a' chiste chaoil le na saoir ga dhùnadh |
In the narrow coffin while the carpenters seal it |
Leig sìos anns an anairt ùr mi |
Let me down in the new shroud |
'S ann anns an ùir a bhios mise tàmh |
And in the ground I will be at peace |