Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
A ribhinn bhòidheach nach toir thu géill dhomh |
Beautiful maiden, will you not believe me |
'S nach dèan thu éisdeachd le spéis ri m' chòmhradh |
And will you not listen fondly to my words |
Mo bheatha saogh'lta gun saors', gun fheum dhomh |
My life on earth is without freedom, without use |
Mas e mo thréigsinn a nì riut còrdadh |
If your pleasure is to reject me |
D' ìomhaigh àlainn mar mhadainn Chéitein |
Your beautiful face like a May morning |
'S a' ghrian ag éirigh air sléibhtean ceòthar |
And the sun rising over misty hillsides |
Chan fhaca Adhamh an Gàrradh Eden |
Adam in the Garden of Eden never saw |
Nas àill' na m'eudail am measg na ròsan |
More beautiful than my love amongst the roses |
Dhutsa liùgainn bhith dlùth 'n àm éirigh |
It is you that I would wish to wake up beside |
Fad mo rèis bhithinn réidh ri d' iarraidh |
For my whole life I would happily do your bidding |
'S tu cuspair m' àraich, 's tu leigheas m' eucail |
You are the source of my strength, the remedy for my illness |
Iùl mo cheum, 's tu mo reul gu sìorraidh |
The guide for my footsteps, you are my eternal star |
Nì aois an sgiamh tha 'nad ìomhaigh fhuadach |
Age will chase away the beauty of your countenance |
'S a h-uile dual tha 'na d' chuailean a liathadh |
And will turn each curl of your hair gray |
Ach, och, mo chiat-s' dhut cha chiar 's chan fhuaraich |
But oh, my love for you will not fade or grow cold |
Bidh e, a luaidh, dol nas buan gach bliadhna |
It will, my darling, grow deeper with each year |
A ribhinn bhòidheach nach toir thu géill dhomh |
Beautiful maiden, will you not believe me |
'S nach dèan thu éisdeachd le spéis ri m' chòmhradh |
And will you not listen fondly to my words |
Mo bheatha saogh'lta gun saors', gun fheum dhomh |
My life on earth is without freedom, without use |
Mas e mo thréigsinn a nì riut còrdadh |
If your pleasure is to reject me |