Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Càit an robh mo leannan boidheach |
Where was my beautiful darling |
Bean a' chòtain ruaidh |
My lady of the russet coat? |
An robh i cas rùisgt' air an lòn |
Was she barefoot in the meadow |
Is driùchd an fheòir cho fuar? |
And the dew so cold? |
No'n robh i ruith le casan beaga |
Or was she running around, her little feet |
Feadh nam preas 's nam bruach |
Amongst the bushes and the banks |
Gun ghùn, gun chleòc, gun bhrèid, gun bhròig |
Without gown, without cloak, without scarf, without shoes |
Ach ann a còtan ruadh |
But in her russet coat? |
Cuailean bòidheach 's fiamh an òir dheth |
Beautiful hair with a hint of gold |
'S dath an ròis ad ghruaidh |
And the color of the rose are your cheeks |
Suidh leam còmhla 's nì mi òran |
Sit beside me and I'll compose a song |
Air do chòtan ruadh |
About your russet coat |
Tha'n còtan goirid mar is dlùth dha |
The coat is short, as it should be |
Tighinn gu d'ghlùn a nuas |
Coming to just above your knee |
Ach troidh as bòidhche cha do chòmhdaich |
But neither a black nor a russet coat has ever graced |
Còta dubh no ruadh |
Such an elegant foot |
Rìgh, beannaich 's glèidh mo leannan |
Almighty, bless and keep my love |
'S cùm i fada buan |
And may she have a long life |
A dà shùil mheallach orm a' fanaid |
Her two alluring eyes are mocking me |
'S a' cur car am dhuan |
And putting a twist in my song |
Nuair bhios airgead ann am phòca |
When I have money in my pocket |
Gheibh thu sròl thar chuan |
You'll get silk from abroad |
Ach cha bhi sròl no sìoda dhomhsa |
But silk and satin can never compare |
Mar bha'n còtan ruadh |
To the russet brown coat |
Càit an robh mo leannan boidheach |
Where was my beautiful darling |
Bean a' chòtain ruaidh |
My lady of the russet coat? |
An robh i cas rùisgt' air an lòn |
Was she barefoot in the meadow |
Is driùchd an fheòir cho fuar? |
And the dew so cold? |
No'n robh i ruith le casan beaga |
Or was she running around, her little feet |
Feadh nam preas 's nam bruach |
Amongst the bushes and the banks |
Gun ghùn, gun chleòc, gun bhrèid, gun bhròig |
Without gown, without cloak, without scarf, without shoes |
Ach ann a còtan ruadh |
But in her russet coat? |