Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Tha mi tinn 's mi ri caoidh mo dhòchais |
I am ill, mourning the loss of hope |
Nochd 'san raoir 's fad na h-oidhche mhò-raoir |
This night, last night, and all through the night before |
Do chòmhradh meallta 'sa gheamradh dhòmhsa |
Your deceptive talk to me over winter |
Chuir falt mo chinn dha na toill na dhlòthan |
Has led to bunches of hair falling out |
Bha mi'm oidhch' ud 'smi aig an teine |
One evening by the fire |
'S bu tu an luaisgean a bha air m'aire |
You were the restlessness in my mind |
Nuair a chuala mi fuaim an dorais |
When I heard the sound of the door |
'S e air a ghluasd aig fear uallach baile |
Pushed open by a village messenger |
Theireadh cach rium nach robh thu ciallach |
They told me that you had no sense |
Gun robh 'g-òl 's nach bu mhòr a b'fhiach thu |
That you drank, and was of little worth |
Stad a ghraidh cha ro ann ach briagan |
Stop, I know it to be lies |
Se mise b'eolaich bhon t-òige riamh ort |
For it was I who always knew you best of all |
Bha do chairdean toirt tàir is beul dhomh |
Your kinsfolk despised me, taunted me |
Airson a ghraidh gun tug mi mo spèis dhut |
For my fondness for you |
Faodaidh iadsan bhith sàmhach 's eisdeachd |
They may as well stay silent and listen |
Far an laigh an gràdh, cha chuir càil bho cheill e |
For when love chooses where to lie, it cannot be undone |
Bha mo chairdean iad orm ag iarraidh |
My own kin implored me |
An gaol a thug mi a chuir air diochuimhn' |
To forget my love for you |
Ach bha sin dhaibhsan a cheart cho diomhuinn |
But to wish that was as idle as to expect |
Ri muir-làn a thraghadh 's muir tràigh a lionadh |
The flow-tide to ebb or the ebb-tide to flow |