Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Gàir nan tonn gur trom an nuallan |
Heavy is the crying and murmuring of the waves |
Seirm am chluais do ghlòir |
Ringing your praises in my ear |
Dàn nam beann gach allt is fuaran |
The poetry of the mountains is in every spring and burn |
Siaradh nuas le'd cheol |
Bearing your music down |
'S tù gach làtha gun tàmh mo bhuaireadh |
Every day is, without respite, provoking me |
D'iargain bhuan gam leòn |
And your eternal loss wounds me |
'S tù gach oidhche chaoich mo bhruadar |
You are my nightly dream forever |
Gu Thìr Nan Òg |
The Land of Youth |
Bàs neo bròn cha bheo nad loinn fhir |
Neither death nor sorrow can abide within you |
Uir air foill 's air gò |
Where all treachery and deceit are buried, overcome |
Sair sior òl do dheo 's do chaoimhneis |
Where the excellent ones partake of your sweet breath and benevolence |
Aoibhneas snàmh 's na neoil |
Joy swims in your firmament |
Reultan airde latha sa dh'oidhche |
And high stars, day and night |
Boillsgeadh seamh troimh cheò |
Shine peacefully through a mist |
Teudan tlàtha fàs ad choilltean |
While the gentle sound of strings rise from your woods |
Gu Thìr Nan Òg |
The Land of Youth |
Cùl nan tonn tha long mo bhruadair |
Behind the waves is the galley of my dreams |
Fuaradh mar bu nòs |
___ |
Rùn an Dàin a ghnàth ga gluasad |
Fate's design moving her smoothly |
Ciuin le luaths an eoin |
With the speed of a bird |
Iubraich Bhàin na fàg mi'm thruaghan |
Lubhraich Bhain, do not abandon me, like a wretch |
Taobh nan cuantan mòr |
This side of the great oceans |
Doimhne craidh is gràdh gam dhuanadh |
Where the depth of my torment, and my love, mold and prepare me |
Gu Tìr Nan Òg |
For the Land of Youth |