Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Margaret Stewart > Colla Mo Rùn > Tha Sinn A' Falbh

Colla Mo Rùn Tha Sinn A' Falbh
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Margaret Stewart & Allan MacDonald
Appears On: Colla Mo Rùn
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Tha sinn a' falbh, 's gum bith sinn a' falbh We are going, we'll soon be going
'S an t-Sealbh a bhith ghar còmhnadh Let fortitude be with us
Nuair thig an t-sìth a null on Fhraing When peace comes from France
Gun taing gu faigh sinn fòrladh Without thanks, we'll get leave
'S bòidheach leam a' dol san ruaig sibh Beautiful to me you going to the affray
'S buaidheach leam 'ur còmhdach And handsome to me your attire
Boineid ghorm is ite peucaig A blue bonnet and a peacock's feather
'S trom mo cheum on sheòl sinn And heavy is my step since we sailed
'S iomadh màthair tha gun mhac Numerous are the mothers without sons
Is piuthar tha gun bhràthair And sisters without brothers
Is nigheanag òg a tha gun leannan And young maidens without a sweetheart
On sheòl sinn thar sàile Since we sailed over the sea
'S tha na h-ighneagan fo mhulad The young girls are dejected
'S tha iad uile brònach And they are all grieved
An liuthad saighdear bòidheach dearg The numerous handsome soldiers in red
A dh'fhalbh a dh'arm Righ Seòras Who went in the service of King George
'S fhir as coireach bhith ghar togail And you, the man, responsible for bringing us up
'S bhith ghar cur an òrdugh And for keeping us in order
Nar fhada gum bi claidheamh cruadhach That soon a hard sword steel
Suas ri meall do sgòrnain Will be up against your protruding gullet