Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Air a' ghille tha mo rùn |
My desire is for the lad |
Tha mo rùn air a' ghille |
He is the one I love |
Bho'n a thug thu rium do chùl |
Since you turned away from me |
B'e mo dhùrachd thu thilleadh |
My dearest wish is that you would return |
Falt do chinn tha dualach dlùth |
Your hair is in tight tresses |
T' anail chùbhraidh, ro-mhilis |
Your breath fragrant and sweet |
Da shùil mheallach, chorrach, chiùin |
Your eyes alluring, passionate and calm |
'S tu mo rùn de na gillean |
You are the choicest of all the young men |
Tha thu ro mhath air an t-sliabh |
You are the most expert on the moor |
Thoirt nan eun bhàrr na h-iteag |
At shooting the birds on the wing |
Gunna dubh a leagadh fiadh |
With a black gun that would down a stag |
'S earbag riabhach an fhirich |
Or a young roe on the moorland |
'S ann am Muile nam beann fuar |
It is in Mull of the cool bens |
Tha mo luaidh de na gillean |
That my sweetheart lives |
Dh' aithnichinn thu 'measg an t-sluaigh |
I would recognize you amid the throng |
Leis na h-uaislean a' tighinn |
As you walked with the nobility |
Air a' ghille tha mo rùn... |
My desire is for the lad... |