Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Ri taobh Coill' an Fhàsaich |
Down by Coill' an Fhàsaich |
Feasgar àghmhor leam fhìn |
For a walk on a fine evening |
Bha na h-eòin air na crannaibh |
The birds sang in the trees |
'S iad ri 'caithream gu binn |
Full of joy and life |
Gun robh sìth air an Eilean |
Skye was tranquil all around me |
Fad mo sheallaidh mun cuairt |
As far as I could see |
'S bha mo smuaint air mo chàirdean |
And so my thoughts turned to my friends |
A bha tàmh leam ann uair |
Who lived with me there once |
O nach prìseil leam Halainn |
I think of Halainn beautiful |
Sios gu bàgh na h-Aird Mhóir |
As it sweeps to Ardmore |
Air a tràigh bha sinn daonnan |
We played carefree on the shore there |
Cheart cho aotrom ri eòin |
As happy as the birds |
Ach a nis chan eil mànran |
But there's no joking |
Fealla-dhà ann no spòrs |
Laughter or fun there now |
'S far do chluich sinn air leacan |
And the seals now laze on the rocks |
An diugh caidlidh na ròin |
Where we used to play |
Chì mi cuimhneachan sgrìobht' |
I see memorials to past times |
Air an linn nach eil beò |
All around me |
Anns gach tobht' agus gàrach |
The old ruins and walls |
Gach càrn agus crò |
Each cairn and cattle fold |
Anns gach àirigh th' air monadh |
The shieling in the hill |
Agus caraidh th' air tràigh |
And the weir by the shore |
Nach gach leughadh le coigreach |
Only a local person could understand |
Mu'n chuideachd a dh 'fhàg |
And read them |
Chan eil feum dhomh bhith 'g ionndrainn |
But what use is it |
Luchd mo rùin anns an uair |
Pining for those gone |
Mar a bha iad tha sinne |
For they were as we are |
Tacan goirid air chuairt |
Here on a short sojourn |
Ach nach sona mar bha iad |
But they were happy |
Ré an làithean gun ghò |
Without a care in the world |
Air bheag chùram no éislean |
In their content lives |
Ann an Eilean a 'Cheò |
In the misty Isle of Skye |