Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Tannas > Rù-Rà > Cum 'Ur Gealladh

Rù-Rà Cum 'Ur Gealladh
Credits: Allan MacDonald; arranged by Tannas
Appears On: Rù-Rà
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
O cùm 'ur gealladh Keep your promise
'S na bi 'g ar mealladh And don't deceive us
Tha cuid a chì, 's a strì ri maireann There are some who see, who will forever strive
Cò aig bhiodh dùil Who would expect
Gum biodh ar gaol That our love
An urra tùir, a dha neo thrì Would be in the hands of two or three
'S dé chuir cèarr sibh And what put you wrong
Nach robh na b'fhearr leibh That you preferred
Na dòighean dhaoine, faoineas baile Inane urban ways than the ways of your own people
Neo'n d'thàinig sgleò Or did the eye of your world
Air sùil 'ur saoghail Become so blurred
Nach aithnich, dualchas falamh That you cannot recognize an empty culture
'Ne Port na h-Eala Is it the swan song
Air tràigh gun sealladh On the tidal shore without sight
Air muir neo tìr, a tha fainear dhuinn? Of sea or land that's ahead of us?
Nach mair ri lìnn Which will not last an era
A tha cho tìnn That is so sick
'S a thruailleas àilleachdainn gun bheum And pollutes innocent beauty
'S a chuireas cùl ris And turns its back on
Na daoine a chum ris The people that kept to
Gach gné is nòs, le dòchas fallain The roots of the tradition with optimism
Caith dhiot do phròis Discard your pride
'S cuimhnich d'òig And remember your youth
'S a chainnt thug beòth's dha d'anam And the language which gave life to your soul
Chan eil mo bhalaich My boys are not
Ag cluich air cladach Playing on the shore
Neo measg an t-sluaigh, th 'air thuar 's air tarraing Or among the people that are all but gone
Ach gheibh mi sìth But I will have peace
Ma gheibh 'ad brìgh If they learn the essence
Air beath' ar sinnsirean o thràth Of the life of our forebears from early times
Na cleith do chànan Do not hide your language
Neo h-uile mànran And the tenderness
A chaidh chuir sìos le dìth an eòlas Derided by others in ignorance
Tha Uamh an Oir The cave of gold
Mar chòir nan Gàidheal Is every Gael's due
Nach d'fhuair a leòr dha toradh Who have yet to get their fill of its riches
O cùm 'ur gealladh Keep your promise
'S na bi 'g ar mealladh And don't deceive us
Tha cuid a chì, 's a strì ri maireann There are some who see, who will forever strive
Cò aig bhiodh dùil Who would expect
Gum biodh ar gaol That our love
An urra tùir, a dha neo thrì Would be in the hands of two or three
'S dé chuir cèarr sibh And what put you wrong
Nach robh na b'fhearr leibh That you preferred
Na dòighean dhaoine, faoineas baile Inane urban ways than the ways of your own people
Neo'n d'thàinig sgleò Or did the eye of your world
Air sùil 'ur saoghail Become so blurred
Nach aithnich, dualchas falamh That you cannot recognize an empty culture