Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Rachel Walker > Bràighe Loch Iall > Alasdair À Gleanna Garadh

Bràighe Loch Iall Alasdair À Gleanna Garadh
Credits: Sileas na Ceapaich; arranged by Rachel Walker
Appears On: Bràighe Loch Iall
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Alasdair à Gleanna Garadh Alasdair of Glengarry
Thug thu 'n diugh gal air mo shùilean You have caused me to shed tears today
'S beag iongnadh mi bhith trom chreuchdach Small wonder that I am covered with wounds
'S gur tric gar reubadh as ùr sinn And that they are repeatedly being burst open
'S deachdar dhomhsa bhith gun osnaich Small wonder that I am filled with deep sighing
'S meud an dosgaich air mo chàirdibh Considering all the misfortune that has befallen my friends
Gur tric an t-eug oirnn a' gearradh Death is constantly cutting off from us
Taghadh nan darag as àirde The best of the tallest oaks
Chaill sinn ionann agus còmhla We lost almost at the same time
Sir Dòmhnall 's a mhac 's a bhràthair Sir Donald, his son and his brother
Ciod e' n fàth dhuinn bhith gar gearan? What use is it for us to complain over them?
Dh' fhan Mac Mhic Ailean 's a' bhlàr uainn Clanranald fell from us on the battlefield
Chaill sinn darag làidir liath-ghlas We have lost a strong gray oak tree
Bha cumail dìon air a chàirdean Who sheltered his friends
Capull-coille bhàrr na giùthsaich A wood grouse from the pinewood
Seobhag sùil ghorm lùthmhor làidir A blue-eyed hawk, vigorous and strong
Bu tu ceann air cèill 's air comhairl' You were the leader in wisdom and council
Anns gach gnothach am biodh cùram In every activity where responsibility was concerned
Aghaidh shoillear sholta thlachdmhor Bright pleasure and handsome face
Cridhe fial farsaing mun chùinneadh Heart generous and liberal with money
Bu tu rogha nan sar-ghaisgeach You were the choice of excellent warriors
Ar guala thaice 's tu a b'fhiùghail A shoulder to support us, as you were worthy to be
Leòmhann smiorail fearail feumail A courageous, manly and effective lion
Ceann feachda chaill Seumais Stiùbhairt A leader whom James Stewart has lost
Bu tu 'n lasair dhearg 'gan losgadh You were a red torch to burn them
Bu tu sgoltadh iad gun sàiltibh You would cleave them to their heels
Bu tu curaidh cur a chatha You were a hero for waging battles
Bu tu 'n laoch gan athadh làimhe You were a champion whose arm never flinched
Bu tu 'm bradan anns an fhìor-uisg You were the salmon in fresh water
Fìreann air an eulaith 's àirde The eagle in the highest flock
Bu tu 'n leòmhann thar gach beathach You were the lion above all beasts
Bu tu damh leathan na cràice You were the broad-antlered stag
Guidheam d' anam a bhith sàbhailte I pray that your soul may be saved
O na chàradh anns an ùir thu Now that you have been buried in the clay
Guidheam sonas air na dh'fhàg thu I pray for happiness for those you have left
Ann ad àros 's ann ad dhùthaich In your home and in your lands
Guidheam do mhac bhith nad àite May I see your son in your place
Ann an saibhreas 's ann an cùram In wealth and responsibility
Alasdair à Gleanna Garadh Alasdair of Glengarry
Thug thu 'n diugh gal air mo shùilean You have caused me to shed tears today