Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Hóró hù-ó mo nigh'n donn |
Hóró hù-ó, my brown-haired girl |
Haori hiu-o nigh'n donn bhòidheach |
Haori hiu-o, lovely brown-haired girl |
Hóró hù-ó mo nigh'n donn |
Hóró hù-ó, my brown-haired girl |
'N déidh dhomh seòladh tro Chaol Muile |
It was after sailing through the Sound of Mull |
'S ann a chunnaic mi 'n té leòn mi |
That I saw the girl who hurt me |
'S ann a seòladh tro Chaol Ile |
It was sailing through the Sound of Islay |
B' fheadar duinn bhi dìobradh sheòla |
That we were obliged to lower the sails |
Carson a bhios mi riut a' mire |
Why do I court you |
'S fear eile sireadh do phòige |
When another seeks your kisses |
Fear eile mire ri m' ghruagaich |
Another man courting my girl |
'S mis air bhàrr nan stuadh a' seòladh |
While I am sailing on the crests of the waves |
Fear eile mire ri m' mhaighdinn |
Another courting my girl |
'S e do chaoimhneas rinn mo leònadh |
It was your kindness that has hurt me |
Shaoilinn nach gabhadh tu banntrach |
I wouldn't have thought that you would take a widower |
Fhad 's bhoidh geall aig giulan òg ort |
While a young man sought you |
Shaoilinn nach gabhadh tu tàillear |
I wouldn't think that you would take a tailor |
Fhad 's a chàrainn fhìn do chòta |
As long as I myself would mend your coat |
Shaoilinn nach gabhadh tu ghreusaich' |
I wouldn't think that you would take a cobbler |
Fhad 's a dheannain fhìn do bhrògan |
As long as I would make your shoes |
Shaoilinn nach gabhadh tu buachaill' |
I wouldn't think that you would take a cow-herd |
Bhiodh snidh' air a ghruaidh an còmhnaidh |
His cheeks would always be wet |
Shaoilinn nach gabhadh tu cìobair |
I wouldn't think that you would take a shepherd |
Fhad 's a bhithinn fhìn an tòir ort |
As long as I was pursuing you |