Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Rachel Walker > Bràighe Loch Iall > 'S Ann A Bhruadair Mi Raoir

Bràighe Loch Iall 'S Ann A Bhruadair Mi Raoir
Credits: Arranged by Malcolm Jones & Rachel Walker
Appears On: Bràighe Loch Iall
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
'S ann a bhruadar mi raoir I dreamed last night of
An eal' air a chuan 's i snàmh The swan swimming on the ocean
'S a h-aghaidh gu tìr Facing towards the land
Bha mo leannan, 's mi fhìn mar sgaoil My beloved and I were parted
Gura mise tha fo ghruaim I am deeply depressed
Bidh mi sin ach, a luaidh, an dràsd I shall continue to be so now
Gur e stroirm is droch uair It is storms and difficult circumstances
Tha gad shìor chumail bhuamsa ghràidh That constantly keep us apart, my love
Tha mo làmhan cho sgìth My arms are more weary
'S nach uarrainn mi innse 'n dràsd That I can express at the moment
'S mi ri tarrainn nan ròp As I heave the ropes
'S ri cumail nan seòl an àird To keep the sails up
Tha 'n léin tha rim chùl The shirt on my back
Cho fliuch 's a ni 'm bùrn no sàl Is as wet as fresh or salt water can make it
'S mi ri iarraidh dol sìos And my desire is to go
Far bheil nighean mo ghaoil a' tàmh To where my beloved is living
Gur e brìodal do bheòil It was the love-talk of your lips
A mheall mi 's mi òg is faoin That beguiled me when I was young and foolish
Ach nam faighinn mo mhiann But if I had my wish
Bhiodh marcraichean triall do chuim Horsemen would be going to fetch you
Thug thu gealladh as ùr You gave a new promise
'S chaidh an comann air chùil a bha And the bond that existed was set aside
Gura fhada bhon uair It is a long time now
O mheall iad thu bhuamsa ghràidh Since they deceitfully enticed you away from me, my love
Cha toir mi ort binn I shall pass no judgement on you
Ach innis dhomh 'n fhìrinn rèidh Only tell me the plain truth
Cha bhi naidheachd ri inns' There will be no tales told
Aig fear eil orm fhìn mad dhéidhinn By any man about you from me
'S ann a bhruadar mi raoir I dreamed last night of
An eal' air a chuan 's i snàmh The swan swimming on the ocean
'S a h-aghaidh gu tìr Facing towards the land
Bha mo leannan, 's mi fhìn mar sgaoil My beloved and I were parted