Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Rachel Walker > Fon Reul-Sholus > Soraidh Leis A Bhreacan Ùr

Fon Reul-Sholus Soraidh Leis A Bhreacan Ùr
Credits: Arranged by Allan Henderson, Ross Martin & Rachel Walker
Appears On: Fon Reul-Sholus
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Soiridh leis a bhreacan ùr Farewell to the new plaid
Oir 's ann air a tha mo rùn I have a great affection for it
B'ait leam e os cionn mo ghlùin I enjoyed wearing it above my knee
Ann am pleatadh dlùth mun cuairt And pleated around my waist
Mallachd nan Gaidheal gu lèir May King William and his rabble
Aig Righ Uilleam 's aig a thrèud Be cursed by every Highlander
Cuir e bhriogais ghlas an cèill He forced us to wear the gray breeches
Gus an t-èidheadh-sa thoirt uainn Thereby depriving us of our own attire
Chuir mi bhriogais ghlas rim thaobh I laid the gray trousers by my side
'S barail leam gun robh mi faoin Feeling very foolish
Cha dean gruagach òg mo thaobh No young lass will come near me
Bhon a fhuair mi 'n t-aodach ùr Now that I have my new outfit
Chuir mi bhriogais ghlas fo m' cheann I placed the gray trousers beneath my head
'N àite 'n fhèileadh bhig a bh' ann Instead of the kilt I used to have
Gu bhi coltach ris an dream Which made me akin to the race
Tha 'n taobh tuath de uisge Chluaidh Who live north of the River Clyde
Nuair a thèid mi fhìn dhan airm But when I join the army
Gheibh mi fhèileadh 's sporran garbh I will receive a rough kilt and sporran
Bonaid bhiorach mholach ghorm A pointed hairy blue bonnet and a yard of ribbon
'S slat de riobainn 's toirm mum chluais As the noise of battle thunders about my ears
(Sèist 2x) (Chorus 2x)