Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Fail èile 's ho ro |
Fail èile 's ho ro |
Fail èile 's ho ro |
Fail èile 's ho ro |
Fail èile 's ho ra hu |
Fail èile 's ho ra hu |
Hog i ò 's na hu hì |
Hog i ò 's na hu hì |
Ged is math a bhith seòladh |
Though it is enjoyable to be sailing |
'S olc a tha i 'gam chòrdadh |
I cannot say I'm enjoying it just now |
'S mòr gum b' fheàrr a bhith 'm Bòsta |
I would rather be in Bosta |
Cur an eòrna 'san raon |
Planting the corn in the field |
Och a Rìgh gur trom m' osna |
Oh Lord, I've a heavy, sighing heart |
'S fhada ò mo luaidh anochd mi |
My love is far away from me tonight |
Mise tuath air Ceann Lochlainn |
I'm away in the north at the Cape of Norway |
'S ise aig Loch an Fhir Mhaoil |
While she's at Loch an Fhir Mhaoil |
Dh' fhalbh i, ghlais i leinn dhaichaidh |
It set sail for home with us |
Chuir i chuairt ud air Arcaibh |
It sailed 'round Orkney |
Le cruinn ùra 's siùil gheala |
With new masts and white sails on her |
Tìde mhara 's i leinn |
She was running with the tide |
On a fhuair mi làn òrdugh |
Since I got a definite order |
An t-soitheach a sheòladh |
To sail the ship |
'S ann stiùireas mi 'n t-sròn aic' |
I'll steer her prow |
Air MacDhòmhnaill a' Chaoil |
Towards MacDonald of the Kyle |