Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Och hirì gur trom m' osnaich |
Och hiri, my sighs are deep |
'S fad bho mo luaidh nochd mi |
I am far from my love tonight |
Mise tuath air ceann Lochlann |
I am north of the head of Norway |
Is is' aig Loch an Fhir Mhaoil |
And she is in Loch an Fhir Mhaoil |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Fàill éille 's ho ra u |
Fàill éille 's ho ra u |
Fàill éille 's ho ra u |
Fàill éille 's ho ra u |
Fàill éille 's ho ra u |
Fàill éille 's ho ra u |
Hogaidh ó 's na hó ì |
Hogaidh ó 's na hó ì |
Ged is math a bhith seòladh |
Although it is good to be sailing |
'S olc a tha e gam chòrdadh |
Little do I enjoy it now |
'S mór gum b' fheàrr a bhith 'm Bòstadh |
I would much prefer to be in Bostadh |
A' cur an eòrna 's a' raon |
Planting the barley in the field |
Dh'fhalbh i ghluais i leinn dhachaidh |
She departed, she moved homewards with us |
Chuir i chuairt ud air Arcaibh |
She went around Orkney |
Cruinn ùra, 's siùil gheala |
With her new masts and white sails |
Tide mhara 's i leinn |
And a favorable tide |
Tighinn a nuas dhuinn aig Barbhas |
When we came to Barvas |
Thàinig oiteg on earra dheas |
A breeze came from the southeast |
'S ann a shamhlaich mi falbh i |
I likened her movement |
Ris an earba air tìr |
To the roe deer ashore |
Nuair a dhìrich mi 'n cruadhlach |
When I reached the bank |
Thug mi sùil thar mo ghuailleadh |
I looked over my shoulder |
'S ann a chunnaic mi gruagach |
I saw a maiden |
A' dol mun cuairt air a nì |
Attending to her cattle |
Nuair a dhìrich i bhruthach |
When she had climbed to brae |
Thilg i bhuarach 's an cuman |
She threw down her cow-fetter and milking pail |
'S thuirt i, "S uaibhreach an-diugh mi |
And said, "Proud am I today |
Seo air cuspair mo ghaoil" |
Here is the subject of my love" |