Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Capercaillie > Roses And Tears > Oran Sugraidh

Roses And Tears Oran Sugraidh
Credits: Duncan Ban MacIntyre
Appears On: Roses And Tears
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "'Si Nighean Mo Ghaoil, An Nighean Donn Òg" on Cliar's album Grinn Grinn
"Nighean Mo Ghaol" on Anna Murray's album Trì Nithean

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
'S i nighean mo ghaoil an nighean donn og The girl of my love is the brown-haired young lass
Nam biodh tu ri m' thaobh cha bhithinn fo bhron Were you by my side, I would not be sad
'S i nighean mo ghaoil an nighean donn og The girl of my love is the brown-haired young lass
'S i Mairi Nic Neachdain as daicheile pearsa 'Tis Mary MacNaughton has the handsomest presence
Ghabh mis' uiread bheachd ort ri neach a tha beo I appraised you as highly as any alive
'N uair sheallas mi t' aodann 's mi 'n coinneamh ri t' fhaotainn As I gaze on your face and look forward to winning you
Gur math leam nam faodainn bhith daonnan ad chòir I'd be glad if I might be near you at all times
Cha leig mi thu 'n fhireach thoirt a' chruidh as an innis I'll not let you go to the hill to bring the cows from the pasture
Air eagal na gillean bhith sireadh do phog For fear that the lads will be seeking your kisses
Bheir mis' thu Dhun Eideann a dh' ionnsachadh Beurla I'll take you to Edinburgh to learn English speech
'S chan fhag mi thu 'd eigin ri spreidh an fhir mhòir And not leave you drudging tending the great man's kine
'S e mheudaich mo ghaol ort gun d' fhas thu cho aobhach This increased my love for you that you grew up so joyous
'S gun leumadh tu daonnan cho aotrom 's na h-eòin And ever would spring up as light as the birds