Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
A fhleasgaich òig as ceanalta |
Most amiable young man |
'S tu leannan nan deas ghruagach |
You are the darling of the handsome women |
Do ghaol a rinn mo shàrachadh |
Your love has troubled me |
'S tha 'bhlàth siud air mo shnuadh-sa |
And has affected my beauty |
Cha Ghall a tha nam' leannan-sa |
My love is not a Lowlander |
Chan Aranach 's cha Tuathach |
He's neither Arranman nor a Northerner |
Ach 's ann am Muile dh'àraicheadh |
But it was in Mull |
MacPhàil an leadain dualaich |
That MacPhail of the ringletted hair was raised |
Shiùbhlainn fad o m' dhaoine leat |
I would travel far from my people with you |
Air long 'sa h-aodach suas rith' |
On a boat in full sail |
Cho fad 'sa chuireadh gaoth sinn |
As far as the wind would drive us |
'Gar saodachadh thar chuantan |
Across the ocean |
Shiùbhlainn fada, fada leat |
I would travel a long, long distance with you |
Cho fad 'san t-Eilean uaine |
As far as the green Island |
Nan gealladh tu nuair thilleamaid |
If you would promise on our return |
An snaidhm a chur nach fuasgladh |
To tie the knot which cannot be undone |