Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Talitha MacKenzie > Spiorad > A Fhleasgaich Òig

Spiorad A Fhleasgaich Òig
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Talitha MacKenzie & Chris Birkett
Appears On: Spiorad
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "A Fhleasgaich Oig As Ceanalta" on Cliar's album Cliar
"A Fhleasgaich Oig Is Ceanalta" on Maggie MacInnes' album Eilean Mara
"A Fhleasgaich Óig" on Alyth McCormack's album An Iomall

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
A fhleasgaich òig as ceanalta Oh most gentle unmarried youth
'S tu leannan nan deas ghruagach You hold the hearts of lovely maidens
Do ghaol a rinn mo shàrachadh Your love has made me so distraught
'S tha a bhlàth sin air mo shnuadh-sa That its effect shows on my cheeks
Shiùbhlainn fada, fada leat I would travel far away with you
Shiùbhlainn deas is tuath leat I would wander north and south with you
Is shnàmhainn an Cuan Rònach leat And swim the Rona Sea with you
'S ri m' bheò cha toirinn fuath dhut As long as I live, I will not grow to hate you
Gur binn thu na na filidhean You are the most melodious of poets
Gur sìobhalt' leam do ghluasad I find your behavior most courteous
Có chunnaic riamh air ùrlar thu Who could ever after seeing you
Nach dùraigeadh bhith suas riut? On the floor not wish to be with you?
'S ged bheireadh Rìgh Seòras àite dhuinn Even if King George would grant
Cho àrd 's a th'aig duin' uasal Us a situation as high as a nobleman's
Gum b'fheàrr leam bhith air àirigh leat I would rather be in a sheiling with you
An coill' 'na tràth 's na luachrach In a young and rusty wood