Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
A fhleasgaich òig as ceanalta |
Oh most gentle unmarried youth |
'S tu leannan nan deas ghruagach |
You hold the hearts of lovely maidens |
Do ghaol a rinn mo shàrachadh |
Your love has made me so distraught |
'S tha a bhlàth sin air mo shnuadh-sa |
That its effect shows on my cheeks |
Shiùbhlainn fada, fada leat |
I would travel far away with you |
Shiùbhlainn deas is tuath leat |
I would wander north and south with you |
Is shnàmhainn an Cuan Rònach leat |
And swim the Rona Sea with you |
'S ri m' bheò cha toirinn fuath dhut |
As long as I live, I will not grow to hate you |
Gur binn thu na na filidhean |
You are the most melodious of poets |
Gur sìobhalt' leam do ghluasad |
I find your behavior most courteous |
Có chunnaic riamh air ùrlar thu |
Who could ever after seeing you |
Nach dùraigeadh bhith suas riut? |
On the floor not wish to be with you? |
'S ged bheireadh Rìgh Seòras àite dhuinn |
Even if King George would grant |
Cho àrd 's a th'aig duin' uasal |
Us a situation as high as a nobleman's |
Gum b'fheàrr leam bhith air àirigh leat |
I would rather be in a sheiling with you |
An coill' 'na tràth 's na luachrach |
In a young and rusty wood |