Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
'S trom an luchd seo th'air m'inntinn |
This load is heavy on my mind |
Agus m'uirsgeul ri ìnnseadh gur truagh |
And my story is sad to tell |
Thriall mo shùgradh 's mo mhànran |
My mirth and music have gone |
Lìon tùrsa 'na àite mi 's gruaim |
And I am gripped in sadness instead |
Tha mo choill' air a maoladh |
My wood has been stripped |
'S ni soilleir a shaoil air mo ghruaidh |
And it makes a bright impression on my cheeks |
'S tearc mo shochair ri fhaotainn |
And it is difficult to rest |
O'n làtha ghlacadh le aog thu cho luath |
Since the day death took you suddenly |
'S ann a' chiad latha 'n earrach |
It was on the first day of spring |
Bhuail an t-eug mi, an spealadair lom |
I came in contact with death, the plundering scythe |
Bhrist air ùbhlan mo ghàrraidh |
It destroyed the apples in my garden |
Leag e m' abhall fo bhlàth thar a bhonn |
Spoiled them to the core |
Rium-sa bhuin e neo-fharasd |
I found it difficult to accept |
Nuair thug e leis Alasdair Donn |
That death had taken Alasdair away |
Mo chruas-iomairt 's mo chearrachd |
My hardship and pain |
'S truagh dhuinne nach tearainn sinn bonn |
How sad it is we are not able to escape this end |
'S e bhith'd chàradh air éislinn |
It's the sad state that |
Rinn mo chràdh-lot fo aisnean mo chléibh |
I was left in that wounded my heart |
Chuir mo chridh' as a chochull chor |
It took my heart from its normal shell |
'S nach suidhich e socrach 'na dhéidh |
To which it cannot return |
Gur luaithe le bhuill' e |
It struck him down as quickly |
Na mar ghluaiseas an duilleach air géig |
As the leaves fall from the trees |
Chaidh mo shlàinte gu mearan |
My health has deteriorated |
'S chan 'eil stàth bhith 'ga gearan ri léigh |
And no doctor can cure me |