Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
'S trom an luchd so th' air m' inntinn |
This load on my mind now lies heavy |
Agus m' uirsgeul r' a innse gur truagh |
And wretched's the news I've to tell |
Thriall mo shùgradh 's mo mhànran |
Gone my joy and diversion |
Lìon tùise 'na àite mi 's gruaim |
Replaced by fullness of sadness and gloom |
Tha mo choill air a maoladh |
My wood stripped of its foliage |
'S nì soilleir a shaoil air mo ghruaidh |
Clear marks have been left on my cheeks |
'S tearc mo shocair r' a fhaotainn |
Peace seldom comes near me |
O' n là ghlacadh le aog thu cho luath |
Since the day that death snatched you too soon |
'S ann a' cheud là do 'n earrach |
On the first day of Springtime |
Bhuail an t-eug orm, an spealadair lom |
Death struck me, scyther he is |
Bhrist air ubhlan mo ghàrraidh |
Destroying my apples |
Leag e m' abhall fo bhlàth bharr a bhonn |
Cutting blossoming tree at the root |
Riumsa bhuin e neo-fharasd |
It dealt painfully with me |
Nuair thug e uam Alasdair Donn |
Taking brown-haired Alasdair away |
Mo chruas iomart 's mo charrachd |
Source of skill in the contest |
'S truagh dhuinne nach tearainn sinn bonn |
Alas, no longer a coin I can patch |
'Se do chàradh fo eislig |
The fact of you shrouding |
Rinn mo chràladh fo asnach mo chlèibh |
Has brought pain to me under my ribs |
Chuir mo chrìdh as a chochall |
Tore at my heart from its casing |
Chor 's nach suidhich e socair 'na dhèidh |
And it cannot lie quietly again |
Gura luaithe e le bhuillean |
Its beatings come faster |
Na mar ghluaiseas an duilleach air ghèig |
Than the movement of leaves on the tree |
Chaidh mo shlàinte gu mearan |
Turning health to delirium |
Chan eil feum bhith 'ga ghearan ri lèigh |
There's no point in complaints to a leech |
Thriall gach socair bha agam |
All my comfort has gone |
Chaidh mo chòmhnaidh 's mo chadal an lugh'id |
My repose and sleep have diminished |
Tha leann-dubh agus airtneal |
Sorrow and distress |
Gam tharruing gu leabadh nam shlaod |
Drag me languidly to my bed |
'Gam shìor ruagadh 'nam shlapan |
Ever pursuing me, feeble |
Dh' aindeoin cruadail na tapaidh g' am faod |
Despite my customary manliness |
Tha mo ghuala gun taice |
My shoulder is without support |
O'n là bhuaileadh tu 'shlacan an aoig |
Since the day you were struck by the wand of death |