Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Dòchas > An Dàrna Umhail > A' Mhàiri Bhòidheach

An Dàrna Umhail A' Mhàiri Bhòidheach
Credits: Alexander Stewart
Appears On: An Dàrna Umhail
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "A Mhàiri Bhòidheach" on Mary Jane Lamond's album Làn Dùil

Lyrics: English Translation:
A Mhàiri bhòidheach, 's a Mhàiri ghaolach Beautiful Mary, beloved Mary
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort Beautiful Mary, great is my love for you
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi Beautiful Mary, you have troubled me
'S a dh'fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t'fhaotainn And left me sad that you will not be mine
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort Beautiful Mary, great is my love for you
Gur tric mi cuimhneachadh ort 's mi m'aonar Often I think of you when I'm alone
Ged a shiùbhlainn gach ceum den t-saoghal Though I would travel the world
Bidh t'ìomhaigh bhòidheach tighinn beò gach taobh dhìom Your beautiful image would surround me
'S truagh nach robh mi's mo Mhàiri bhòidheach How I wish that beautiful Mary and I
Ann an gleannan faoin is ceò air Were in an empty glen filled with mist
'S ged bu Rìgh mi's an Roinn Eòrpa Though I were the King of Europe
Chan iarrainn pòg ach bho Mhàiri bhòidheach I would only with a kiss from beautiful Mary
Ach chithear fèidh air a sgèith 's na speuran Deer will be seen on the wing in the skies
Chithear iasg air àird nan slèibhtean Fish will be seen on the mountain heights
Chithear sneachda dubh air geugan Black snow will be seen on the branches
Mu'm faicear caochladh tighinn air mo spèis dhut Before my love for you changes
Guma slàn do mo Mhàiri bhòidheach Farewell to my beautiful Mary
Ge b'e àite sam bi a còmhnaidh Wherever she may reside
'S e mo dhùrachd cho fad 's is beò mi My eternal wish
Gum bi gach sòlas aig Màiri bhòidheach Will be every happiness for beautiful Mary
A Mhàiri bhòidheach, 's a Mhàiri ghaolach Beautiful Mary, beloved Mary
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort Beautiful Mary, great is my love for you
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi Beautiful Mary, you have troubled me
'S a dh'fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t'fhaotainn And left me sad that you will not be mine