Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Ó ì og ì ò |
Ó ì og ì ò |
A Mhòrag 's na ho rò gheallaidh |
A Mhòrag 's na ho rò gheallaidh |
Ó ì og ì ò |
Ó ì og ì ò |
A Mhòrag bheag a' chùil riomhaich |
Little Morag of the lovely locks |
Dheanainn-sa do chìr a cheannach |
I would buy you a comb |
A Mhòrag bheag a' chùil dualaich |
Little Morag of the curling tresses |
'S tric do luaidh a' tighinn air m'aire |
Often your love comes to mind |
Mis' amuigh air luing a' seòladh |
Me, out on the ship sailing |
'S mi gun dòigh air tighinn gu baile |
Without a way to return home |
An cuimhne leat an oidhche bha sinn |
Do you remember the night we were on board? |
'S a' luing bhàin air bhàrr na mara |
The white sailed ship on the surface of the sea |
An oidhche sin a chaidh ar fuadach |
That was the night we were driven off course |
Thànaig a' mhuir mhùr 'na gleannaibh |
By the sea that rose in billows |
'S truagh a Rìgh nach ann a bha mi |
It's a pity that I wasn't |
'N ciste-laigh nam bòrdan tana |
In the coffin of narrow boards |
Bhon a chunna mi na coinnlean |
Since I saw the candles |
Ag gabhail araoir air do bhanais |
Blazing at your wedding banquet |
Nuair dheidheadh tu amach a dh'fhia'chadh |
When you went on the hunt |
Bu trom do thriall bhon a' bhaile |
Heavy your procession from the village |
Le d'ghunna leathann 's le d'fhùdar |
With your slender barrelled gun |
Le do ghille 's cù 'na dheannamh |
Powder, attendant and bounding dog |
Leagadh tu 'n damh donn a' bhùirein |
You would kill the rutting brown stag |
'S fhuil 'ga thùcadh 's e gun anail |
Leaving him breathless and choked on his blood |
Cha leiginn thu chrò nan caorach |
I would not permit you to go to the sheep pen |
Air eagal d'aodach a shalach |
For fear you would soil you clothing |
Cha leiginn thu chrò nan gobhar |
I would not permit you to go to the goat pen |
No bhleoghainn a' chruidh as t-earrach |
Or to milk the cows at springtime |
Mi air chùl nam beanntan àrda |
I am on the backside of the high mountains |
Cha chluinn mo mhàthair mo ghearain |
My mother can't hear my complaint |
A Mhòrag bheag nighean an Leòdaich |
Little Morag, daughter of the MacLeod chief |
Airson a dheanainn dòrtadh faladh |
For whom I would spill blood |
A Mhòrag bheag à tìr nan Leòdach |
Little Morag from the land of the MacLeods |
Dh'òlainn do dheoch-slàint' a dh'aindheoin |
I would drink your toast notwithstanding |