Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Oidhche Shamhna dhomh 's mi m'ònar |
Alone on Halloween night |
Smaointich mi gun dianainn òran |
I thought I would compose a song |
'S truagh a Rìgh nach mi bha pòsd' |
It's a pity I wasn't married |
Ri òigear a' chùil dualaich |
To the youth with the curled hair |
Gura h-e mo ghaol an t-òigear |
The young man of the brown hair |
A' chùil duinn 's a' leadain bhòidhich |
And lovely tresses is my darling |
'S mi gu siubhladh leat far m'eòlais |
I would fare with you to unknown places |
Ged tha an còta ruadh ort |
Even though you wear the redcoat |
Chuir thu falt mo chinn gu talamh |
You sent the hair of my head to the ground |
Chuir thu mo ghruaidh dhearg an tainead |
You made my red cheeks thin |
'S truagh nach robh mise 's an anart |
It's a pity that I wasn't in the death shroud |
Mun deachaidh mo luaidh riut |
Before I fell in love with you |
Tha mi nochd a' dol a laighidh |
Tonight, as I go to rest |
'S cinnteach leam gum faic mi aisling |
It's certain I will see a vision |
Thu bhi sìnte ann 'am leabaidh |
You will lay in my bed |
Tacan air a' chluasaig |
For a while on the pillow |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Tha mo rùn air a' ghille |
I love the lad |
'S mór mo dhùil ri thu thilleadh |
Great is my hope for you to return |
'S mi gu siubhladh leat am fireach |
I would travel the moorland with you |
Fo shileadh nam fuar-bheann |
Under the drip of the cold mountains |
Oidhche Shamhna dhomh 's mi m'ònar |
Alone on Halloween night |
Smaointich mi gun dianainn òran |
I thought I would compose a song |
'S truagh a Rìgh nach mi bha pòsd' |
It's a pity I wasn't married |
Ri òigear a' chùil dualaich |
To the youth with the curled hair |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Gura h-e mo ghaol an t-òigear |
The young man of the brown hair |
A' chùil duinn 's a' leadain bhòidhich |
And lovely tresses is my darling |
'S mi gu siubhladh leat far m'eòlais |
I would fare with you to unknown places |
Ged tha an còta ruadh ort |
Even though you wear the redcoat |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Chuir thu falt mo chinn gu talamh |
You sent the hair of my head to the ground |
Chuir thu mo ghruaidh dhearg an tainead |
You made my red cheeks thin |
'S truagh nach robh mise 's an anart |
It's a pity that I wasn't in the death shroud |
Mun deachaidh mo luaidh riut |
Before I fell in love with you |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Ged tha blàth na bric' air d'aodann |
Although your face is scarred by smallpox |
Cha do lughdaich e mo ghaol ort |
It didn't lessen my love for you |
'S mi gu siubhladh leat a' saoghal |
I would travel the world with you |
Nan saoilinn-se do bhuannachd |
If I thought I could win you over |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Phòsainn thu dh'aindeòin mo chàirdean |
I would wed you in spite of my kin |
Gun toil m'athar, no mo mhàthar |
Without consent from my father or my mother |
Eachann saor a tha mi 'g ràitinn |
I give his name, Hector the carpenter |
Bhon 's e chnàmh a' ghruag dhiom |
Since it's he who has caused the hair to wear from my head |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Tha mi nochd a' dol a laighidh |
Tonight, as I go to rest |
'S cinnteach leam gum faic mi aisling |
It's certain I will see a vision |
Thu bhi sìnte ann 'am leabaidh |
You will lay in my bed |
Tacan air a' chluasaig |
For a while on the pillow |
(Sèist...) |
(Chorus...) |