Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Bha mi latha samhraidh an Steòrnabhagh |
One summer's day I was in Stornoway |
Chunna mi rud ann agus chòrd e rium |
I saw something there which appealed to me |
Nighean bheag a' danns air a casan lom |
A little girl dancing on her bare feet |
Ribeanan na ceann agus cleòc oirre |
Ribbons in her hair and a cloak on her |
Thàinig balach uasal is "Lorns" air |
A noble boy came wearing "Lorns" |
Thuirt e rith', "A luaidh, cur do bhrogan ort |
He said to her, "Dear, put your shoes on |
Gus an téid sinn cuairt dhan a' Ghearraidh Chruaidh |
That we may go for a walk to the Castle grounds |
'S dìridh mi suas Beinn na Drobha leat" |
And I'll climb up Bennadrove with you" |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
"Cha téid mise cuairt chun na drobha leat |
"I'll go for no walk to the drove with you |
Ged a tha thu uasal is brògan ort |
Though you are noble and wear shoes |
B'aill leam a bhith danns air mo chasan lom |
I'd prefer to dance on my bare feet |
Le fear a chluicheadh triomb no meileòidian" |
With one who'd play a jew's harp or accordion |
(Sèist 2x) |
(Chorus 2x) |