Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mairi MacInnes > Causeway > Mairead Òg

Causeway Mairead Òg
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Mairi MacInnes
Appears On: Causeway
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "A Mhairead Og" on Flora MacNeil's album Craobh Nan Ubhal
"A Mhairead Óg" on Alyth McCormack's album An Iomall

Lyrics: English Translation:
A Mhairead òg, 's tu rinn mo leon Young Margaret, you are the cause of my grief
Gur cailean bhòidheach lurach thu A bonny, lovely girl you are
Gur guirme do sùil a' mhadainn chiùin Your eyes are bluer in the calm morning
An dearc air chùl nan duilleagan Than the blueberry amongst the leaves
Gur gil' thu ghràidh na 'n sneachda bàn You're more radiant, my love, than the white snow
A' cur air àird nam monaidhean That falls on the moorland
Och __ mo nighean donn ___
___ ___
Och, 's i mo mhàthair rinn an call It was my mother that did wrong
Nuair chuir i shealg nan tunnag mi When she sent me to hunt ducks
'S nuair ràinig mi an linne chaol When I got to the narrow pool
'S ann bha mo ghaol a' srùthladh innt'e It was my love that was bathing there
'S nuair ràinig mi an linne chaol When I got to the narrow pool
'S ann bha mo ghaol a' srùthladh innt'e It was my love that was bathing there
'S e 'n gunna caol a rinn mo leòn It was the slender gun that wounded me
Cha téid e òirleach tuilleadh leam It won't travel an inch more with me
Air leabaidh làir chan fhaigh mi tàmh On a low bed I'll get no rest
'S air leabaidh àird cha chuir iad mi And on a high bed they'll not put me
Mi 'n diugh 's an dé air cnoc leam fhéin Today and yesterday, alone on a hillside
A' sileadh dheur 's mi turaman Shedding tears and rocking myself in grief
O Rígh nan dùl cum rium mo chiall Oh King of the elements, keep me sane
Cha robh mi riamh 's a' chunnart seo I have never been in such peril
A Mhairead òg, 's tu rinn mo leòn Young Margaret, you are the cause of my grief
'S tu dh'fhàg fo bhròn 's fo mhulad mi It's you who's left me desolate and grief-stricken