Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mackenzie > Fama Clamosa > Mo Shùil Ad Dhèidh

Fama Clamosa Mo Shùil Ad Dhèidh
Credits: Rev. Donald MacNicol
Appears On: Fama Clamosa
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Och Òin Mo Chailinn" on James Graham's album Siubhal

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Ochoin a chailin 's mo shùil ad dhèidh Alas, my girl, my eye is after you
A chailin, mo chailin 's mo shùil ad dhèidh Girl, my girl, my eye is after you
A Lili, mo Lili 's mo shùil ad dhèidh Lily, my Lily, my eye is after you
Cha lèir dhomh am bealach le sileadh nan deur I can't see the mountain pass for the flowing of tears
Gun d' èirich mi mochthrath madainn an-dè I got up very early yesterday morning
'S gun gheàrr mi 'n ear-thalmhainn do bhrìgh mo sgèil And I plucked the yarrow because of my plight
An dùil gum faicinn-sa rùn mo chlèibh In the hope of seeing my beloved
Ochoin gum facas 's a cùlaibh rium fèin Alas, I did see her, but with her back to me
'S ann ormsa tha 'm mulad 's am fiabhras mòr I have sorrow and I am in a great fever
On chualas gun deach thu le Brian òg Since I heard that you went away with young Brian
Mo chomann cha dèan mi ri mnaoi san fheòil' I shall not make friends with any woman
On rinn thu mo thrèigsinn 's mi fhèin a bhith beò Since you have left me while I am still alive
O chan eil uiseag no faoilinn bhàn There is no lark or white seagull
No eun anns an doire dam b'eòl mo ghràdh Or any bird in the grove who knows of my plight
Nach eil nis ri tuireadh a dh'oidhche 's a là But is now mourning night and day
On chualas gun ghlacadh mo chailinn air làimh Since they heard my girl's hand was taken