Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mackenzie > Camhanach > 'S Truagh Nach D'rugadh Dall Mi

Camhanach 'S Truagh Nach D'rugadh Dall Mi
Credits: Uilleam Ros
Appears On: Camhanach
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "'S Truagh Nach D' Rugadh Dall Mi" on Cliar's album Cliar

Lyrics: English Translation:
Fill ò ro, fill ò ro, fill ò ro hug eile Fill o ro, fill o ro, fill o ro hug eile
Fill ò ro, fill ò ro, fill ò ro hug eile Fill o ro, fill o ro, fill o ro hug eile
Air fal eile ò agus hò ro hug eile Air fal eile o agus ho ro hug eile
Chan fhaigh mi cadal sàmhach I cannot sleep peacefully
A' ghràidh, 's gun thu rèidh rium Love, without you and I reconciled
Is truagh nach d'rugadh dall mi Alas that I was not born blind
Gun chainnt is gun lèirsinn Without speech or sight
Mus fhac' mi t'aghaidh bhainndidh Before I saw your lovely face
Rinn aimhleas nan ceudan That has caused anguish to thousands
Bhon chunnaic mi bho thùs thu Since first I saw you
Bu chliùiteach do bheusan Your virtues were famous
'S gum b' fhasa leam am bàs And it would be easier for me to die
Na bhith làthair as t'eugmhais Than to live without you
Is truagh nach robh mis' Alas that you and I
Agus tus' far an iarrainn Were not where I would wish
Sia là na seachdain Six days of the week
Is seachd ochd bliadhna And seven times eight years
An seòmraichean glaiste In a locked room
Le claidheannan iarrainn With iron bolts
Na h-iuchraichlean air chall The keys lost
Agus dall bhith gan iarraidh And a blind man seeking them
Is truagh nach robh mi fàgail Alas that I am not leaving
An t-saoghail seo ri chianail This so miserable world
Bha dòchas faoin gam thàladh It was foolish hope that allured me
'S e 'n gaol rinn mo dhìobhail It was love taht was my undoing
Ge fada bhuam a shiubhladh tu However far from me you journeyed
Ri'm bheò bhithinn riut dìleas Forever I would be faithful to you
'S nuair thigeadh là na Cruinne And when the last day comes
'S i Mòr Ros a dh'iarrainn It will be Marion Ross I crave for
Fill ò ro, fill ò ro, fill ò ro hug eile Fill o ro, fill o ro, fill o ro hug eile
Fill ò ro, fill ò ro, fill ò ro hug eile Fill o ro, fill o ro, fill o ro hug eile
Air fal eile ò agus hò ro hug eile Air fal eile o agus ho ro hug eile
Chan fhaigh mi cadal sàmhach I cannot sleep peacefully
A' ghràidh, 's gun thu rèidh rium Love, without you and I reconciled