Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Fiona Mackenzie > Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn! > An Tèid Thu Leam A Mhàiri

Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn! An Tèid Thu Leam A Mhàiri
Credits: I. Munro
Appears On: Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn!
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "An Teid Thu Leam A Mhairi" on Ishbel MacAskill's album Essentially Ishbel

Lyrics: English Translation:
'N tèid thu leam, a Mhàiri Will you come with me, Mary?
'S am falbh thu leam thar sàile And will you go with me across the sea?
An tèid thu leam air bhàrr nan tonn Will you come with me on the top of the waves
Gur tìr nam gleann 's nan àrd-bheann? To the land of the glens and the high mountains?
Led chumadh dealbhach, aìllidh With your beautiful shapely figure
Mar dhealradh reult air fàire Like the gleam of a star on the horizon
'S e d'nàdur ciùin, do bhàidh 's do mhùirn 'Tis your gentle nature, your kindness and your politeness
A leag mo rùn 's mo ghràdh ort Which caused me to appreciate and love you
Tha agam sprèidh len àiltean I have cattle with their followers
'S mo mheanbh-chrodh air na h-àirdean And my small cattle on the high ground
'S bidh laoigh is uain air raon is cluain And calves and lambs will be in field and pasture
'S gur taitneach fuaim am bàirich And pleasant the noise of their lowing and bleating together
Stad a nis, a Ghàidheil Stop now, Highlander
Mo chrìdh, mo rùn 's mo làmh dhut I give you my heart, my love and my hand
Gun tèid mi null go tìr nam beann Indeed I shall go over to the land of the bens
On choisinn fonn do dhàin mi As the melody of your song won me
'N tèid thu leam, a Mhàiri Will you come with me, Mary?
'S am falbh thu leam thar sàile And will you go with me across the sea?
An tèid thu leam air bhàrr nan tonn Will you come with me on the top of the waves
Gur tìr nam gleann 's nan àrd-bheann? To the land of the glens and the high mountains?