Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Tha mi sgìth 's mi leam fhìn |
I am weary all alone |
Buain na rainich, buain na rainich |
Cutting the bracken, cutting the bracken |
Tha mi sgìth 's mi leam fhìn |
I am weary all alone |
Buain na rainich daonnan |
Cutting bracken the whole day |
'Stric a bha mi fhìn 's mo leannan |
Often was I with my sweetheart |
Anns a ghleannan cheòthar |
In the misty glens |
'G èisteachd còisir bhinn an doire |
Listening to the sweet choir of the grove |
Seinn sa' choille dhòmhail |
Singing in the dense woods |
'S bochd nach robh mi leat a rithist |
It's a pity that I am not with you again |
Sinn a bhitheadh ceòlmhor |
We would be tuneful |
Rachainn leat gu cùl na cruinne |
I would go with you to the ends of the earth |
Air bhàrr tuinne a'seòladh |
Sailing on the crest of the waves |
Ciod am feum dhomh a bhith tuireadh |
What is the point of me being mournful? |
Dè ni tuireadh dhòmhsa |
What will a lament do for me? |
'S mi cho fada o gach duine |
And I am so far from any man |
B'urrainn tighinn gam chòmhnadh |
Who could come to my aid |