Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Hug oireann ò rò gur toigh leam fhìn thu |
Hug oireann o ro I do like you |
'S toigh leam fhìn thu, 's tu leam as bòidhche |
I do like you, you are the most beautiful |
Blas na meala air do phògan |
The taste of honey from your kisses |
Bidh mi 'gad chaoidh o'n a rinn thu seòladh |
I shall sorely miss you since you went to sea |
Hug oireann ò rò gur toigh leam fhìn thu |
Hug oireann o ro I do like you |
'S fhada, 's fhada, 's gur fhad' air falbh thu |
It is a long, long time you have been away |
Air long Rìgh Deòrs' le do chòta dearg ort |
On King George's ship wearing your red coat |
'S tric mo shùilean air an fhairge |
Often I am looking out to sea |
Feuch an faic mi fear do dhealbha |
In the hope of seeing a man of your physique |
Hug oireann ò rò gur toigh leam fhìn thu |
Hug oireann o ro I do like you |
'S fhada, 's fhada, 's gur fhada muigh thu |
It is a long, long time you have been out |
Gun fhios, a luaidh, nach e 'n cuan a shluig thu |
Not knowing, dear, that the ocean has not swallowed you |
Gur e'n gaol le chèile thug sinn |
It is the love we both gave |
A dh'fhàg ad dhèidh mi cho deurach duilich |
Which has left me tearful and pining for you |
Hug oireann ò rò gur toigh leam fhìn thu |
Hug oireann o ro I do like you |
Ach 's truagh nach robh mi 'nam eun beag aotrom |
It is a pity that I was not in the guise of a small, light bird |
Mar an uiseag no mar an fhaoileag |
Like the lark or like the seagull |
'S mi gu siùbhladh thar nan caoiltean |
Indeed I would travel across the narrows |
Gus an ruiginn far eil mo ghaol-sa |
Until I would reach my beloved |
Hug oireann ò rò gur toigh leam fhìn thu |
Hug oireann o ro I do like you |
'S toigh leam fhìn thu, 's tu leam as bòidhche |
I do like you, you are the most beautiful |
Blas na meala air do phògan |
The taste of honey from your kisses |
Bidh mi 'gad chaoidh o'n a rinn thu seòladh |
I shall sorely miss you since you went to sea |
Hug oireann ò rò gur toigh leam fhìn thu |
Hug oireann o ro I do like you |