Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Nach freagair thu Chairistiona? |
Will you answer, Christina? |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
E ho hi huru bhi |
E ho hi huru bhi |
Horo o hi ho ho ro ho o |
Horo o hi ho ho ro ho o |
E ho hi huru bhi |
E ho hi huru bhi |
Nam freagradh gun cluinninn fhìn thu |
If you'd answer, I would hear you |
Chi mi luingeas air Caol Ile |
I see ships in the sound of Islay |
'S iad ag iarraidh Cairistiona |
They are seeking Christina |
Chan ann gu banais a dhèanamh |
Not to take her to her wedding |
Gus a cur 's an talamh ìseal |
In deep ground they are going to lay her |
Turus a thug mi Ghleann Comhainn |
To Glencoe I once did journey |
'N fhairge trom 's an caolas domhainn |
The waves were high and the channel deep |
Chan fhaod mi mo leum a thomhas |
I cannot judge my leap in distance |
Ged dh'fhaodadh, cha dèan mi'n gnothach |
And if I could I would gain nothing |
Cha bhi Cairistiona romham |
Christina for me will not be waiting |