Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Maggie MacInnes > Spiorad Beatha > Chan E Caoidh Mhic Shiridh

Spiorad Beatha Chan E Caoidh Mhic Shiridh
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Maggie MacInnes
Appears On: Spiorad Beatha
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Chan E Caoidh Mhic Shiridh" on Flora MacNeil's album Craobh Nan Ubhal
"MhicShiridh" on Alyth McCormack's album An Iomall

Lyrics: English Translation:
Chan e caoidh Mhic Shiridh It's not lamenting Mac Siridh
Dh'fhàg an dil' air mo ghruaidh That has left a tear on my cheek
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Hu o ro hu o Hu o ro hu o
Ho ro o hi o hi o Ho ro o hi o hi o
Hu o ro hu o Hu o ro hu o
Chan e caoidh mo leannain It's not lamenting my sweetheart
Ged a dh'fhanadh e bhuam Though he would remain from me
Ach a'caoidh mo bhràthair But it's lamenting my brother
Chaidh a bhàthadh 's a'chuan Who has drowned in the sea
'S duilich leam do chùl chlannaich I'm sad to think of your hair so curly
Bhith 's an fheamainn 'ga luadh With the seaweed drifting
'S duilich leam do gheal dheudan I'm sad to think of your teeth so white
Bhith' ga' reubadh 's a'chuan By the seas torn apart
Tha do leabaidh gun chàradh Your bed remains unmade
'S fhad' o'n dh'fhàg thu i fuar As cold you left it long ago
Cha tèid mise ga càradh I won't be the one to make it
Tha thu ghràidh ro fhad' bhuam As you, love, are too far from me
'S tric mo shùil air an Rubha Often my eyes are on the headland
Bhon bhruthach ud shuas From the hillside there above
Fiach am faic mi seòl brèidgheal Trying to see a cloth-white sail
Latha grèine 's a chuan One day upon the sea