Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Chan e caoidh Mhic Shiridh |
It's not lamenting Mac Siridh |
Dh'fhàg an dil' air mo ghruaidh |
That has left a tear on my cheek |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Hu o ro hu o |
Hu o ro hu o |
Ho ro o hi o hi o |
Ho ro o hi o hi o |
Hu o ro hu o |
Hu o ro hu o |
Chan e caoidh mo leannain |
It's not lamenting my sweetheart |
Ged a dh'fhanadh e bhuam |
Though he would remain from me |
Ach a'caoidh mo bhràthair |
But it's lamenting my brother |
Chaidh a bhàthadh 's a'chuan |
Who has drowned in the sea |
'S duilich leam do chùl chlannaich |
I'm sad to think of your hair so curly |
Bhith 's an fheamainn 'ga luadh |
With the seaweed drifting |
'S duilich leam do gheal dheudan |
I'm sad to think of your teeth so white |
Bhith' ga' reubadh 's a'chuan |
By the seas torn apart |
Tha do leabaidh gun chàradh |
Your bed remains unmade |
'S fhad' o'n dh'fhàg thu i fuar |
As cold you left it long ago |
Cha tèid mise ga càradh |
I won't be the one to make it |
Tha thu ghràidh ro fhad' bhuam |
As you, love, are too far from me |
'S tric mo shùil air an Rubha |
Often my eyes are on the headland |
Bhon bhruthach ud shuas |
From the hillside there above |
Fiach am faic mi seòl brèidgheal |
Trying to see a cloth-white sail |
Latha grèine 's a chuan |
One day upon the sea |