Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Maggie MacInnes > Peaceful Ground > Fhir An Leadain Thlath

Peaceful Ground Fhir An Leadain Thlath
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Maggie MacInnes
Appears On: Peaceful Ground
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Fhir An Leadain Thlàth" on Flora MacNeil's album Orain Floraidh

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Fhir a leadain thlàth Lad of beautiful hair
Dh'fhàg thu mi fo bhròn You've left me in despair
Fhir chul dualaich chleachdaich Lad of twisting curls
'S bòidhche snuadh ri fhaicinn So beautiful to view
Tha do ghaol an tasgaidh Your love is kept
'N seòmar glaist' 'nam fheòil In a locked room in my body
Fhir a leadain chraobhaich Lad of the flowing hair
B'òg a rinn thu m'aomadh So young I was ensnared
Thug thu mi o m'dhaoine You took me from my people
A fhuair mo shaothair òg From those who had reared me
Fhir a leadain laghaich Lad of the pleasing hair
'S tu mo rùn 's mo roghainn You are my love and my desire
Nan sguireadh tu thaghail If you'd only cease to call
'S an tigh 's am bi'n t-òl Upon the house of drink
An toiseach a' gheamhraidh At the start of winter
'S ann a ghabh mi geall ort I pledged myself to you
Shaoil leam gum bu leam thu I thought that you were mine
'S cha do sheall thu'm chòir But you didn't look my way
'N gàire rinn mi'n uiridh The laughter of last year
Chuir mo cheum an truimead Weighs heavily on my every step
'S mise tha gu duilich Now I am so sad
'S muladach mo cheòl And sorrowful is my music
Tha mi trom an dràsd' I am heavy now with child
'S e sin fàth mo dheòir That's the cause of my tears
Fhir a leadain thlàth Lad of the lovely hair
Dh'fhàg thu mi fo bhròn You have left me in despair