Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Nuair a bha mi'm chaileig ghoraich |
When I was a young and foolish girl |
Thug mi gaol 'us gradh do'n oigear |
I gave my love and affection |
Aig am bheil a' phearsa bhòidheach |
To a handsome youth |
'S cha ghradhaich mi ri m'bheo fear eile |
And never will I love anybody else |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Hi horò 's na horo eile |
Hi horò 's na horo eile |
Hi horò 's na horo eile |
Hi horò 's na horo eile |
Hi horò 's na horo eile |
Hi horò 's na horo eile |
Gur tu mo luaidh ri'm bheò cha cheil mi |
You're my love and as long as I live I won't conceal this |
Chaidh mi choill na crann's nan gallan |
___ |
Chuir mi sùil am fiùran maiseach |
___ |
B'ann an Glaschu nam bùthan |
___ |
A thug mi rùn do'n diùlnach fearail |
___ |
Meur a's grinn' air peann a sgriobhas |
Those fingers that make a pen write so neatly |
'S a chuir gleus air teudan fidhle |
That play a tune on the fiddle |
'Se do cheòl do thogadh m'inntinn |
Your music would lift my soul |
An uair a bhithinn sgith fo smalan |
When I was sad and weary |
Ach tha mise'n dùil 's an dochas |
But I live in expectation and hope |
Gu'n tig an là 's am bi sinn comhla |
That the day will come when we will be united |
'S ma bhios tusa dileas domhsa |
And if you remain faithful to me |
Cha ghràdhaich mi ri'm bheò fear eile |
I will never love another man |