Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Loreena McKennitt > Dante's Prayer (Spanish Version)

The Journey Begins Dante's Prayer (Spanish Version)
Credits: Loreena McKennitt
Appears On: The Journey Begins
Language: Castellano (Spanish)
Other Versions: "Dante's Prayer" on Loreena McKennitt's album The Book Of Secrets
"Dante's Prayer" on Méav Ní Mhaolchatha's album A Celtic Journey

Lyrics: English Translation:
Cuando la selva oscura cae ante mí When the dark forest falls before me
Y los caminos son de hierba And the paths are of grass
Y los fieles del orgullo dicen, no es así And the proud faithful say that's not so
Cultivo tus penas sobre piedra I till your sorrows over stone
No creí porque no pude ver I did not believe because I could not see
Y veniste a mí sin huellas And you came to me without footprints
Y el alba perdida parecía And the lost dawn seemed
Y diste tu amor con las estrellas And you gave your love with the stars
Estribillo: Chorus:
Lanza tu mirada al océano Cast your gaze to the ocean
Lanza tu alma hacia la mar Cast your soul toward the sea
Cuando la noche es eterna When the night is eternal
Me recordarás You'll remember me
Y la montaña se eleva ante mí And the mountain rose before me
Junto al hondo pozo del deseo By the deep well of desire
De la fuente del perdón From the fountain of forgiveness
Más allá del hielo y del fuego Beyond the ice and the fire
(Estribillo) (Chorus)
Compartimos el camino We share the path
Qué frágil es el corazón How fragile is the heart
Dale a mis pies alas para volar Give my feet wings to fly
Y tocar el rostro de los astros And to touch the face of the stars
Dale vida a mi débil corazón Give life to my weak heart
Levanta el mortal velo del miedo Lift the mortal veil of fear
Esperanzas rotas de lágrimas Broken hopes of tears
Lanzadas en la ansia del fuego Cast in the fire's yearning
(Estribillo) (Chorus)
Me recordarás... You'll remember me...